Chapter 33

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I woke with a start not recognizing my surroundings. Memories flooded into my mind from last night as I felt the arms around me tighten up. I felt angry with myself for allowing me to engage in such acts with him. It was a distraction from what he did to me. He erased precious memories and at this point I don't know how I'll find out the identity of this man named Jimmy. I looked up at Tom to see his eyes shut still in a dreamland. I cant let myself do this again, it's quite counterproductive. This is the same man who stole 3 years from me, killed my best friend, stole my memories and believe me the list goes on and on. Yet I didn't want to leave his arms, but I know I have to. Especially to avoid the awkwardness. Unfortunately my clothes and wand are littered on the ground of the meeting room. I slowly slithered out of his embrace and walked to his closet pulling on a long cloak and then left the room quickly before he woke. I was almost to my room when of course I had to run into Gertrude."well, well, well someone certainly had a rough night," she said with crossed arms eyeing me up and down. "What are you taking about?" I asked as she snickered. "Oh don't worry I totally covered for you to the twins. They think mummy and daddy just had a little disagreement which by the looks of the meeting room I can see is quite true," something about her demeanor is completely opposite from previous encounters. Instantly I knew it was the effects of the horcrux. Wearing that thing sure made me angry and bitter all the time who knows how long she had been wearing it. Gertrude had always been a know it all, that thing just amplified it and made her a bitch. I think I threw it at Tom at some point last night. A blush swept my cheeks as I acknowledged last night. It turns out Gertrude was just under the influence of some seriously dark magic. Even so it doesn't quite make up for everything. "I'm sorry for last night," I said suddenly, "I was just angry," I finished. "I noticed," she said through a tight lipped smile. "Hey why don't you go get yourself cleaned up, I'll bring the children down for breakfast," she said. I hesitated a bit but I agreed knowing exactly what had taken a hold of her. I can see it in her eyes she no longer has the weight of the evil grasp on her. "Thank you," I said with a small smile as I quickly walked into my room dropping the cloak on the ground sitting on my bed. "What have I done," I sighed thinking of how foolish I was to sleep with him. My eyes found the record player once more with Jimmy's gift to me and I made a promise to the mystery man that I would remember him someway, somehow. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and wrinkled my nose, dirt from the rubble covered my body as well as newly forming bruises from the clutches of Tom. I took a deep breath as I made my way to the bathroom to take a much needed bath. I wish I had some wine, I thought as I put on the record player so I could listen to music as I took a bath.

   I rubbed my face agressively with water as I sat in the warm bath. I wish I had just went to bed with the secret knowledge of Jimmy on my mind with the intent of finding out on my own. I growled as I scrubbed the dirt and his scent off of me. "Damnit!" I cursed as I threw my sponge across the bathroom. Why couldn't I stop myself was I that lustful for the man?! I definitely could use that glass of wine right about now. I crave answers to the questions in my mind. Though I know the only way I can find them is through memorabilia. Jimmy was a singer too so I'm sure to find some of his records or something to tell me who he is, but I would need to get out of this place to track something like that down. I need to make a plan to get out of here to find some kind of answers somewhere.

    I stayed in my room the entire day until the sky was jet black. I'm sure Parkinson kept the children entertained and for that I was greatful. In truth I was in a pretty dreadful mood. I tried to hold back the hankering for alcohol I had but it grew more and more intense as the night went on. It got to point where I was walking down the halls in the direction of the kitchen in the middle of the night. The last time I was drunk was a murky memory, but I now know that means it involved Jimmy. That was the night I nearly took my life and I know in my soul Jimmy was the one that saved me from that fate and for that I'd be forever in his debt. I had to find out who he was. In a large cabinet the old owners of this place kept different types of alcohol hidden away. It had caught my attention before but only now did I have the desire to tap into the goldmine. I know I said I wouldn't do this again but one glass won't hurt right? One glass of wine quickly turned into three as I thought about everything I wanted to forget and everything I wish I remembered. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and jumped turning around. "Gerty!" I cheered gleefully seeing Gertrude stumble in tiredly. "You haven't called me that in years," she said suspiciously as she eyed the drink in my hand. "Come on have a drink with me!" I said as I picked up the bottle of wine. "Oh what the hay," she said as she poured herself a glass. "Cop a squat," I told her with a laugh. "How blasted are you?" She said with a chuckle of her own. "Not blasted enough," I said raising my glass into the air. "Is this about last night? I haven't seen you at all today," she said sipping her wine. "This is about celebrating our new found companionship," I said to which she raised her brows. "What happened to us Gerty? Why did we stop being friends?" I asked. "Well you punched me in the eye and threatened to kill me," she said to which I looked down. "You're right I guess I did do that," I said before laughing to which she followed the suit. "Well I'm sorry," I said, pouring us another glass of wine. "So what, one night with Tom and you're suddenly back to being the old Roslyn? Is he that good in bed?" She snickered. "The old Roslyn?" I asked her curiously. "Well you know, no offense Ros but you've been a real pain in the arse since you've been back. What happened to the old Roslyn? The girl that would sneak off in the middle of studying to sneak cookies, and dance around the common room in a fit of laughs? And what about the girl that would tell the funniest joke in the middle of the night sending everyone in the room into laughter?" She said throwing me back to the person I was before all of this. "Tom happened," I said before downing the rest of my glass of wine. "But that's over," I said standing up. "Oh yeah?" She laughed. "What are you gonna do?" She asked as I walked to the double doors that led to the backyard. "Remember that time we went skinny dipping?" I asked. "No," she said in deep confusion. "Well tomorrow you won't be saying no!" I cheered as I bursted through the doors running over to the pool. I heard her yelling after me as I shrugged off my nightgown leaving me in my undergarments. "Roslyn this isn't what I meant!" She shouted from the other side of the pool. "Oh come on I'm the old Roslyn with no boundaries!" I shouted much louder than needed. "Seriously Roslyn put back on your clothes," she said as I laughed crazily. "Here I go," I sang in a high tone as I walked closer to the edge of the pool. "Come on Roslyn it's freezing out here," she said as I looked from her to the pool. The bright blue swirls captured my gaze and I became dizzy in the marvelous pattern they made so much so that I was in trance as I jumped into the pool. I didn't feel a thing as I plunged into the water. I finally resurfaced with laughter. "Roslyn you're gonna get sick come on you've proved your point," she said kneeling down on the edge of the pool holding her hand out to me. "Oh come on Gerty the waters fine!" I shouted as I swam around. "Stop being stubborn Roslyn you've had your fun! I know you're drunk and you don't realize how cold it is but trust me you might as well be swimming in ice," she said but I was too focused on the water. "Roslyn!" She yelled at me once more to get my attention. "Calm down Gerty I'm ju-" I was cut off by the dark shadow in the pool that appeared below me. "What is that," I said in a trembling voice. "What is what?" Gertrude asked urgently. Suddenly I felt something touch my foot and I screamed as my ankle was caught in the clutches of an unknown presence. I tried to stay above the water as it began to drag me down. "Roslyn!!" I heard Gerty scream. "Help me!" I cried as I splashed around trying to keep from going under. "Swim to the edge!" I heard her yell as I was aggressively pulled under. I tried to untangle myself from the creature but it was no use. I stared at it in terror as I recognized the same snake that nearly drowned me before. I tried to struggle away from it but it kept pulling me down. It's tail had wrapped around my ankle tightly. I began to loose consciousness as I saw it's large mouth open up and come towards me. Suddenly I felt a rough ripple in the water and a bright light emitted from behind me. I felt an arm wrap around me as Tom came into view pointing his wand at the snake making it evaporate into thin air or in this case water. I clung to Tom trying to hold onto consciousness, but I could not longer hold on as my vision began to go black.

    Tom erupted from the water with Roslyn in his arms who was laying limp in them. He laid her still body down on the cement as Gertrude ran up to them. "Why was she in the water?" Tom asked threateningly as he began to perform spells on her to get her to heal and wake her up. "She just jumped in! I tried to get her to stop," Gertrude said as she stood beside the pair watching as Tom tossed his wand to the ground beginning to perform CPR on her. He opened up her mouth and began to blow air into her mouth and then switched to pressing up and down on her chest. Suddenly Roslyn took a deep breath and then began coughing up water. She rolled over on her side and began groaning before suddenly beginning to laugh. Tom looked to Gertrude wondering why Roslyn was manically giggling. "She's filthy drunk," Gertrude stated as she brought out a blanket to wrap around Roslyn. Roslyn looked to Gertrude who was placing the blanket around her and smiled. "You rescued me," she laughed. "Wrong person honey," Gertrude said motioning to Tom. Roslyn looked to Tom and covered her mouth in shock before laughing once more. "That's not good," she slurred. "You ought to get her inside," Gertrude said as she saw Roslyn shiver. "Can you walk?" Tom asked Roslyn. "That's a silly question," Roslyn said as she began to get up but fell forward into Tom's arms. "Oops," Roslyn laughed. "I'll take that as a no," Tom muttered. "Go make sure you two didn't wake the children," He said angrily to Gertrude. She sped off as Tom scooped Roslyn into his arms. "Wow," she laughed as she looked up at him with a smile, moving her hands to touch his hair. "Where are we going?" She asked as she lowered her hands to his neck trying to warm them up. He didn't answer her as he made his way to her room. He opened the door and moved to place her on the bed but she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved so her legs were around his waist. "Roslyn get into bed," he said patiently. "You first," she said suggestively with a laugh. "You're freezing cold," he said as he tried to separate them. "But you're so warm," she said holding onto him tighter. He gave up and sat on the edge of the bed feeling as she moved her arms under his wet jacket pulling herself even closer. He allowed her to regain her warmth from him as she laid her head on his shoulder. He grabbed the blanket that was wrapped around her and pulled it tighter to surround her better. Her skin was ice cold as it touched his. Both of them were freezing with wet clothes on. He suddenly got up and interrupted their silence pushing her down on the bed. "You need to change," he said before she could complain. He walked into the closet and grabbed an article of clothing tossing it to her. She looked at it and then turned her attention to him leaving. "No don't leave," she said rushing forward and ramming into him wrapping her arms around him once more. He looked down at her with a sigh. She was definitely very drunk. He led her back to the bed and sat with her. "Put on the clothes," he told her seeing she was only in her undergarments. She slowly got up and began to take off her undergarments so drunk she didn't care he was beside her. She began to slip on the dress but wasn't able to find the hole for her head so he took the dress and helped her put it on. She laughed a little and then laid her head on his shoulder. "You need to get some rest you're sure to feel awful in the morning," He said as he got up from the bed pulling her blanket out from under her and covering her with it. He thought his work was done when he began to leave. "Please stay," she said suddenly stalling him in his tracks. He slowly turned to her seeing the beautiful blonde woman propped up on her pillows watching him. He didn't quite understand why the offer was so alluring to him. Maybe he too was freezing and her body's warmth was comforting to him. He shrugged off his jacket and took off his shirt leaving them on the ground. His pants were wet but he didn't seem to pay much mind to that as he allowed himself to crawl into bed with her. She instantly molded to the form of his body and intertwined hers with his. The room was dark and not a sound could be heard as they laid in bed together, but suddenly three small words left her lips and only he'd remember them in the morning. "I love you," she said before drifting off to sleep and though Tom could've left as she slept he didn't. He too slept easily entwined in her soft embrace.

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