Chapter 37

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    How could I be so foolish to let that ridiculous excuse for man come so close to me? I feel absolutely dreadful about it and just plain embarrassed. I want to hate him so badly but something in me can't seem to let go completely. I was so enthralled in all of it I forgot one very very important thing. Tom and I didn't use any contraceptives. My stomach dropped and I felt like I was gonna puke. How could I be so stupid? Surely us being together only a couple of times wouldn't make just can't make me be with- "children!" My thoughts were interrupted by the shrill scream of Gertrude as she barreled down the hall after my laughing twins. The sight of my babies instantly brought a smile to my face but inside I still had an awful feeling. It wouldn't be the first time I had a pregnancy scare. After all that is what this is, a scare. Nothing but a scare.
   "Are you sure?" I asked Gertrude urgently as I squeezed my sweaty hands together hoping she was wrong. "For the 10th time Roslyn yes!" She said as she threw the positive pregnancy test down on the sink. "This just can't be!" I cried as I raked my fingers aggressively through my hair. "But it is," she added as she sat me down on the toilet encouraging me to breath. "What's the big deal? You have two of them already, what's one more?" She asked as she handed me a wet wash cloth to place on my head. "Because the father is a lunatic!" I yelled to which she shushed me. "I wouldn't go around screaming that today. I've heard he's in a particularly fowl mood," she whispered to which I rolled my eyes. "Isn't he always?" I sneered."how are you gonna tell him?" She asked as I stood up and looked in the mirror. "I haven't thought about it," I said truthfully. "How do you think he will react?" She asked. "Not too sure about that one either, but I mean come on these tests aren't always accurate right? It could be a false positive," I said hopeful. "We took 5 Ros all of them had the same result. I think it's safe to say you're having a baby," Gertrude said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Either way this stays between us no one can know until I'm ready to tell him. I can't believe I'm.......pregnant," I said these words out loud and I instantly regretted it as a male voice sounded off behind me. "Again? Boy you work quick," I gasped as I turned to see Abraxas Malfoy standing in the doorway. "How did you get in here?!" I yelled at the smirking blonde. "Maybe you two should lock the door next time," he laughed as I looked at Gertrude with an annoyed expression as that was her job. "Not a word to anyone about this you got it?" I asked him threateningly. "Relax Mother Goose I doubt anyone cares about the bun in the oven," he joked as he patted my stomach humorously. I pulled away quickly and crossed my arms. "What are you doing in here anyways?" I asked irritated with the current situation watching as his demeanor completely changed. "The Dark Lord has requested the both of you to come to the meeting room.....we have guests." He looked a little solemn as he said this I know whatever is waiting for us down there is no good. It mustn't be if HE wants me to see it too. "Of course," I said as I rubbed my hands together nervously.

   The chill night air was whistling through the open doors and windows of the mansion. It was quite late at night for this business. All the while I couldn't help but think of the child that is currently growing within me. My first pregnancy nearly kill me, well technically it did kill me. How could I be so stupid to have gotten pregnant again! I feel so overwhelmed already and now another baby? This cannot be happening. Of course my heart warms with love for this baby no matter who the father is. I feel like I've betrayed myself somehow by letting him impregnate me yet again, but this time this wasn't a mission. This is our own child.

   The room was deadly silent as we entered. His followers lined the table and of course he sat at the head of it. Instantly my attention was directed towards two men in ministry clothes who were badly injured. "Nice of you to finally join us," he said as he saw us . We stealthily took our seats at the table. I could see the furry in his eyes, something has happened. I looked at the two men who seemed to be moments from death and I felt terribly for them. They probably had families waiting for them at home whom they'd never return to. "It has been brought to my attention that amongst us sits another perpetrator whom has been relaying information to the ministry of magic. This information was confirmed thanks to our guests," Tom smiled a menacing grin directed towards the men.

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