Follow Trixie Like A Lap Dog

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Follow Trixie Like A Lap Dog


It comes as no surprise that Cherry leaves for whatever party without me. While a part of me wanted to follow after her and plead until she forgives me, I don't. I decide it would be for the best if she spent the night unwinding with her friends.

Perhaps when she returns, we could talk once more and sort out our differences.

I spend my free time scrolling through my social media handle and chatting with a bunch of random strangers who seem somewhat friendly, and for a while, I understand just why teenagers are so obsessed with their phones.

All the likes, all the comments, they are just so validating.

By past 1am, I decide it's time to retire for the night. I am just about turning my phone off when I get a text from Audrey.

Come quick! Cherry needs you. - Audrey

At the text, my heart goes into overdrive and different scenarios play out in my head, none of them inviting.

Without hesitation, I leap off the bed and slip my feet into a pair of slides just as another message pops up. This time, it's Audrey texting me the address of the party.

For a moment, I contemplate calling Mrs. Blue and telling her that her daughter may be in danger, but upon remembering that Cherry snuck out of the house, I decide against it, choosing instead to exit though my window.

I arrive at a house which is oddly quiet and I have to check the address again to make sure I am at the right place. There are no drunk teenagers running around, neither is the sound of booming music threatening to send my heart into a frenzy. I catch sight of Cherry's pink car though, so I step in.

I walk into the moderately sized house, my eyes darting left and right in hopes of catching something, but it's too dark for me to place anything. Drawing in a deep breath, I turn on the flashlight of my phone and swipe it across the room.

Nothing really stands out in the room. Mundane furniture, pictures of plants on the wall and a large television. However, I find it odd that there's no family picture in sight. The house is pristine, not what I was expecting from a party.

Where are all the people?


I let out a breath of relief when I hear my name and I turn around to find Brit; the short dark-skinned girl with very kinky hair on her round head. She pushes her glasses up her nose before beckoning me to walk over to her. Tentatively, I oblige.

"Where's everyone?" I question and she shrugs.

"The party was moved, but Cher... She refused to leave. Something's wrong with her and we don't know how to calm her down. Come, I'll lead you to her."

She turns on her heels and walks deeper into the house, down the corridor and I follow after her, detesting the clinking sound her shoes make as they come in contact with the floor.

We pass by three doors before she suddenly stops at one. It has a narrow green door and I watch her watch the door, then she shakes her head and steps aside for me.

"I don't know how to deal with crying people. I think you should go in first. The other girls don't seem to like my presence."

"Perhaps it's because you follow Trixie around like a lap dog," I input, but she doesn't make a comment. Impatiently, I walk to the door and turn the knob.

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