💰Rich Rich💰

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I wanted to start this part off by giving a shoutout. I want to say this to itzz_keera this is because she names the stories on her list funny things,but I'm going to start the story now.

You guys are still in class working on the project when the bell rings. You-anyways if you guys want to continue working on the project over at my house today? Cohen-yeah I have nothing to do. Jiggy-why not? You-good. Your about to walk out of the room when Cohen stops you by grabbing you by the arm. You look at his hand on your arm and back to his face. You-May I help you? Cohen-I'm sorry I let Emma talk to you like that. You-don't worry bitch is dead anyways. Cohen-ok that beautiful. You-what? Cohen-You heard me. He winks at you and you roll your eyes and go to your next class.

You just finished school and you are now waiting outside for Jiggly and Cohen to hurry up. Your typing on your phone when you see someone's shadow. You look up and see another lightskin. You-swear on everything if I see another lightskin I will go crazy.???-why babygirl we are the best.you-who are you talking to? ??-you pretty. You-shit I don't even now your name.???-Trent and you? You-it's y/n. Trent-pretty name for a pretty girl. You-are you going to keep calling me pretty? Trent-can't lie to you.  You-I think I might be ok with these lightskins if they are all like you. Trent-since you said that what would you rate my looks? On a scale of 000-000-000 to 999-999-9999? You-475-***-****Trent-great. He says as he puts your number in his phone. Trent-well I have to go,see you later ma. You-bye Trent. You say as he walks away and into a car.

You are starring at Trent leaving when Jiggy and Cohen come up to you. Jiggy-you ready do go? You-yeah. You lead them to ypur car and they looked amazed. You-what? Get in my car. Jiggy-this is a ferri? Cohen-limited edition. You-ehh it's ok I guess. Cohen-ok? He says getting in the back and Jiggy getting In the front. You-yeah I was spoiled from the day I was born so I really don't care about all this money stuff. Jiggy-I wonder what your house looks like. He says as you pull up to your house. Jiggy-dang.
(Your house)

You-yeah it's nice I guess. Jiggy-no way,this is the best house I have ever seen.You-awww thanks. You guys get out of the car and walk into your house. Cohen- I have seen your house before but not the inside. You-yeah. You guys walk pass the kitchen and the first living room and walk up the stair to go to your room.

Jiggy&Cohen-wow! You-Thanks you guys can sit were ever you want. You sit on your desk and Jiggy sits on your bed with Coehn. You-so let's get started. You guys do the work for the project for the next day. Cohen-since we're done want to play truth or dare? You-why not? Jiggy-truth or dare y/n? You-dare. Jiggy-I dare you to kiss me.

A/N: Anyways today is Halloween so I hope you guys have fun and stay safe. I made this at like 2 in the morning so forget about spelling mistakes. But I was eating a cookie while making this and it was pretty good. It was chocolate chip and it was warm and I had some milk with it too. It was immaculate. But yeah love you❤

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