Seven: Of Spring and Recovery

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The few hours after the masquerade was spent in turmoil. Thalia barely remembered the order of events, just that Astrid had brushed past her, willing her cousin to move, as Thalia helplessly watched Argos leap over the chandelier that lay shattered on the floor.

Argos scaled up the stairs and skidded to Vash's side, screaming at him to stay awake. It took three of the High Ladies to restrain Argos, as sentinels surrounded the Spring Court Second and carefully lifted him onto a stretcher.

It was only when Asteria placed her hand onto Thalia's back, did her knees begin to quake under her dress.

Thalia stiffly nodded, assuring the High Ladies that she was okay and that she would assume responsibility in looking after anyone who was injured.

Aislinn and Nyx exchange a few mumbled words to each other before winnowing back to their respective courts. Soon after, the other High Ladies returned to their courts as they debated what the Queen of Hybern meant when she had promised that they would regret denying her.

"I called Nora," Astrid said with a nod to Thalia, "Is it okay if Argos stays?"

"Yes. Yes of course. All the time they need..." Thalia said blankly.

"Are you okay, Tally?"

Thalia's shoulders dropped, snapping out of her daze as she pressed a smile to her face, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Astrid swallowed the lump in her throat as she eyed her cousin carefully. "You're treading dangerous waters again, Tally."

"I've got this covered. You worry too much."

Astrid trading a glance in Argos' direction, "I can stay if you need someone."

"I don't need anyone." Thalia retorted, "I mean, Winter Court shouldn't be left unguarded. We'll be okay." She wasn't sure if she was trying to convince herself or her cousin, as she urged Astrid to go home and rest.

Who knew exactly what the Queen of Hybern had planned for Prythian?


Thalia sat patiently as she watched Argos pace the halls. If he kept this up, she'd have to either replace his shoes or the floors from his wear and tear – but she could hardly blame him as they waited for the medwitch to exit Vash's quarters.

The Winter Court's Second had stayed behind in Spring Court to look after his mate's recovery, something that neither Astrid or Thalia minded. Thalia didn't mind the extra protection should the Queen of Hybern break the wards that kept Rosehall Manor secure.

"Have faith, Argos. Vash will be okay." Thalia offered him a smile when he stopped in front of her.

"May I offer you some advice, Lady Thalia?" His hands were on his hips, and suddenly Thalia felt as though she was going to be scolded. Argos sighed, "Having a mate is a blessing. I thank the Mother everyday that she connected Vash and I."

Thalia's eyes flicked down as her shoulders slumped, "Oh."

"But – And I cannot stress this enough, having a mate also means staying by their side no matter what. Vash and I are two halves of a whole, and one without the other is never complete. I know Vash will be okay, I can sense it. I can't help but pace, which may seem silly to you, but I need to occupy myself instead of wanting to tear off anyone's head that steps anywhere near Vash until he is back in his feet. Do you understand?"

Thalia couldn't swallow the lump that had formed in the back of her throat, avoiding Argos' gaze. "No. I don't understand."

"I can't imagine what you're going through. Here I am, complaining." Argos gingerly sat on the seat beside Thalia, motioning so her to raise her head. She held back tears as she did. "How many times?"

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