Five: Of Gardens and Corrosion

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The echoes of the masquerade played faintly behind closed doors, as Thalia bit her bottom lip to try and concentrate. She had told Astrid that a gardener had to speak with her but in reality, the two fae that stood in front of her, wide-eyed and barefooted, had rushed to the Manor with an urgent message.

"I'm sorry, My Lady. We aren't sure as to why they would all just wilt away like that!" The hushed whispers in the hallway echoed through Thalia's mind as she listened.

According to the concerned villagers, all of the crops closest to the westside of their village had wilted, as if someone had walked through the fields and absorbed the magic from the land –The magic that Thalia was responsible for.

What could trigger all of these catastrophic events? She should ask the other High Ladies.

Her stomach twisted, "And where was this?"

"Just past Verbenas." Thalia's eyes widened from behind her mask. First the coast, and now near one of the major villages inland. It was headed their way. And quickly.

"It's moving closer..." She mumbled to herself stiffly. She concealed her surprise with a solemn nod to the two villagers that awaited their High Lady's decision, "Thank you. I have my best people on the case. You've made an awfully long journey, please make yourself at home here. Zinnia will see to your care while you're here." Thalia motioned for the maid that had brought the two villagers to her attention.

Once the two villagers had been escorted to the kitchen for food, Thalia let out a shuddering breath. One step at a time.

Thalia took a large gulp of her wine, having to refill the glass for her toast she was about to make. Collecting herself once more, she smoothed out her bangs and checking herself over in the mirror.

Two sentinels made quick work to locate her to notify her that her guests had arrived, as had most of the High Ladies.

There was still no word of Vash's return, and Thalia could feel a sudden pressure in the air that she had not felt in an exceptionally long time. She took a deep breath again, finding the smells that eased her through the manor's walls – something familiar, yet far from her reach.

"Any word from Lady Nyx?" When Thalia was met with silence, she nodded and dismissed the young fae back to their duties as she held back her supper.

Maybe six letters to the Night Court had been too many letters. It took half as many for Autumn Court to reply. But six letters? Thalia groaned, of course, she was getting blown off. Why would she get the chance to plead her case?

But that's fine, she reasoned. One less High Lady to charm tonight.

And she already had five High Ladies – although one was already bias, to impress.

That, she could do.

The sentinels opened the doors to the ballroom, and Thalia stepped threw with a smile plastered to her face, the tension now stuck in her upper body as she looked over the clusters of fae, all of them laughing and ready to party.

Thalia held a tall glass in her hand, a spoon in the other, as she called for the attention of the guests that had assembled for the festivities. As each High Lady met her gaze, Thalia willed herself to stand up taller, relaxing the tension in her shoulders and lifting her chin higher.

Mother save her, she would not fail. Not after coming so far. Not when her people were depending on her.

She scanned the audience for the rest of her inner circle, before catching Astrid our of the corner of her eye. Her cousin nodded with a small thumbs up to show her support.

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