One: Of Spring and New Beginnings

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Thalia drummed her fingers lightly against the grain of her desk, as she meticulously examined the letters that were neatly sprawled across its surface. She wanted to make sure she had dotted every I and crossed every T before approving them.

You are cordially invited to a masquerade ball to mark a new beginning – Here's to a fresh start.

Thalia crumpled the note, adding it to the small pile of others that had not met her approval in the corner. It wasn't enough. Not enough to send to Night Court. Not enough to justify the High Lady of Night Court making an appearance after years of bad blood between families.

You are invited to Spring Court for a masquerade ball. Show up, or don't. At least I'm trying to be-

Thalia sighed, scratching out her passing hostile thought and discarding the newest failure into the overflowing pile beside her desk. She picked up her quill again, a new fire igniting in her as she set it down on a fresh sheet of paper. 

You are cordially invited to a masquerade ball to commemorate our past and mark a new beginning. Here's to a new start. Thalia, High Lady of the Spring Court.

She slumped her shoulders, allowing the ink to dry on her page. "Maybe I should just send a messenger..." She remarked, stretching in her chair. 

She leaned back far enough to catch a glimpse of Rosehall Manor's gardens as a light breeze caught around the various coloured roses.

It was a miracle she had managed to bring Rosehall Manor back to its pristine elegance, as her grandfather had done a number on the place. She was no angel, but at least she didn't tear holes in paintings or destroy the dining room when she was annoyed. 

Her Father,  fondly named Andras, had abandoned Rosehall Manor when he became High Lord after Tamlin, moving into a different estate that he had built for their family, west. As far away as possible from Rosehall. Not that she blamed him.

After her family's death, Thalia needed a place to call her own and felt called back to the manor. It kept her busy for those tough first few months.

She let out a sigh, Andras had his moments but he had not done enough to redeem the Spring Court. Not after everything. Not after Tamlin. Now, it was up to her to make sure Spring Court didn't live in their shadows any longer. Thalia was constantly reminded that her advances were not enough.

They were never enough.

She was losing herself in thought as she watched the red roses out her window call to her, a silent wish. A plea for adventure. She caught herself before she could drift any further. No. Her place was here. Spring Court needed a leader and she was the High Lady to fill that position. She didn't need – She didn't want adventure. Maybe a partner could be her adventure if the fates deemed it to be fit.

"A masquerade ball, Lady Thalia?" Thalia almost fell from her chair when the familiar voice spoke behind her, catching the back of her chair before she tipped over. "Isn't that a little bit... On the nose?"

Thalia fixed her crown, adorned in various flowers – a living crown and tribute to her court, eyeing the sentinel that stood before her. Her Second let out a toothy grin, knowing full well that he could get away with pushing their High Lady when she was caught daydreaming.

"I thought it was clever..." She trailed with a small sigh, "Anything to report, Vash?"

"Unfortunately, yes." He said, shoulders slumping. She followed suit. Nothing was good when he deigned it appropriate to personally seek her out.

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