Fifteen: Of Heirlooms and Lotalies

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The rest of the week went by quicker than Thalia had anticipated, finding new ways to spend her time at Hybern Castle, she often found herself in the secret garden or pestering Julian with questions that usually left her more confused than anything else.

It was early in the morning the day Julian had entered her room and tossed a shimmering dress her way, parading around her room and listing off some schedule he had cooked up for Thalia that day.

She had become accustomed to Julian waking her with overly enthusiastic tactics since she was a heavy sleeper who loved to stay in bed if given the option to. Still groggy, Thalia predicted she would not be able to go back to sleep. She groaned, sitting up in bed.

Another servant had entered with him, placing a warm breakfast platter onto Thalia's lap, as the high fae rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Thank you," Thalia managed, eying the platter of eggs, bread, fresh pomegranates, and the cup of orange juice.

"I heard that you had a pleasant walk with Her Royal Majesty this week."

"I did."

"...Anything exciting happen?"

"She did say that you liked to gossip," Thalia grumbled, grabbing the cutlery that lay beside the plate in front of her. "Is that why you woke me up so early?"

"On the contrary, I make it my business to know everything going on at Castle Hybern. That is why it runs as smoothly as it does for the Queen."

She paused from picking at the fruit, "You're just nosy, Julian." She said, opting to eat the bread instead.

"The Queen said that she'd like to take you somewhere today, but only if it suited your schedule, of course."

"Does it suit my schedule, Julian?"

"I'd implore you to go, of course. But that is entirely up to you." He smiled back, moving to the desk that had been newly polished – Thalia assumed that in her absence, he had gone ahead and cleaned up yesterday. Although she was far too distracted to notice when she came back last night.

Entirely up to her. That's right. She could decide what she wanted to do and when she wanted to. Thalia sunk back against the fluffy pillows behind her as she munched.

Julian placed a few new accessories out for Thalia's perusal, before turning back to her. His slicked-back hair barely moved as he went. 

Just how much product did he use to keep it all in one place? "Oh, hush," Thalia grumbled, silencing the voice. She turned her attention back to Julian. "Where does she want to go?"

"Outside the castle walls, of course." Thalia's heart skipped a beat. Outside the walls. That meant- "I know what you're thinking. Don't think that she wouldn't go after you again."

Thalia's shoulders slumped. "Buzzkill." 

"I'm not sure what you did yesterday, but she returned to the Castle the happiest I had seen her in months. Like her normal self, and all."

"Has she been acting differently?" Thalia raised an eyebrow. If anyone would tell her, Julian would.

"I'm afraid to report that ever since the incident, the Queen had seemed to have lost hope. And with it, herself."

"What incident?"

"Perhaps it is not my place to tell you, of course."

"Of course." Thalia nodded, her curiosity peaked. "I, ugh, I have to wear this?" She motioned to the dress that lay beside her.

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