Six: Of Pasts and Presents

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"It can't be you." Thalia backed up into a table behind her. She felt the power illuminate between them as the Queen of Hybern smiled wickedly, leaning against the railing, and looking down upon the High Ladies.

The Queen of Hybern was Thalia's...

Scarlett took a step forward. "What are you doing here?" She growled.

Astrid looked between her cousin and the Queen, sensing Thalia's newfound conflict. She was mates with The Queen of Hybern. Of all the cruel fates to bestow upon someone, this must be a joke.

The Queen shrugged, taking a moment to observe the High Ladies. "This is a ball to bring us all together, is it not? I wanted something new-" Before they could blink, the Queen had winnowed, inches from Scarlett's face. Her hair blew out of her face as the Queen snarled, but the High Lady didn't budge from her stone-cold glare. Neither faltered. "- to play with."

"You are not welcome here." Astrid cut the Queen off defiantly.

"You think you can tell me where I can and cannot be?" The Queen snickered in amusement, "You would be sorely mistaken."

Asteria exchanged a glance with Athena, as they both took a few steps around the Queen, entrapping her in a circle of high fae that were ready to protect their own. There was no way they would let a villain take one of their own – Especially when it could lead to another war.

"What prompted this unannounced visit, after all of these years?" Aislinn pressed.

"Isn't it obvious? Your little birdie told me something remarkably interesting in our... extensive chats." The Queen looked back at Vash and then to Argos, as she toyed with them, "I am here for something much larger than you all know. I am here for what is mine. My mate."

Thalia's breath hitched as she suppressed the claws that threatened to escape from her fingertips. No. No. No. She couldn't let this happen. She rubbed her head, her headache was unyielding.

Mate. Her mate.

Asteria looked between them again, sensing Thalia's nerves. "You do not get to claim anything. This is not your land. As Astrid said, you are not welcome here." She replied, stepping in line with Scarlett and Astrid. The three stood as an immoveable force between them.

"This is your final warning." Athena threatened.

"Why not let my dear Rosebud speak for herself?"

But Thalia's mind was scattered. "Is Vash...?" Thalia couldn't bring herself to ask the question, overlooking the implication that the Queen had made.

"I'm not unreasonable. Let him go to his mate. That's what we all want, isn't it?"

Argos looked from Astrid to Vash, torn between duty and his mate. Astrid waved to him. 


With an inclined nod in her direction,  Argos was immediately by Vash's side, applying pressure to his wounds and tending to him. After Argos let out a sigh of relief, Thalia's gaze shifted to the Queen who was manically looking at her.

The winds picked up around then as the power shifted through the room. Thalia could feel bursts of energy course through her veins as her headache pounded through her skull.

"Well, Rosebud?" As the Queen spoke, Thalia raised her gaze. They shared a pulse of energy, and almost immediately, Thalia's headache dissipated.


They stood on an empty ballroom floor, the winds seizing to exist.

For once, Thalia's head was calm. Quiet. Tranquil.

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