Two: Of Masks and Friendship

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Lady Astrid bounded up the grand staircase of Rosehall Manor, her heels furiously clicking behind her as she swept into the checkered black and white marbled entryway, practically skidding on the polished floor beneath her. 

How she had dreamed of this moment for far too long, and how she yearned to finally set eyes on family once again. Astrid scanned everywhere, only to catch a blur of blonde running in her direction.

Her cape caught against the back of her heel as she braced for impact, causing both of the cousins to crash into each other and hit the floor with a soft thud. Thankfully, the plush cloak had taken most of the damage.

They both let out hearty laughs and cries of delight as they embrace each other. "It's been too long, Tally!" Astrid laughed, sitting upon the floor.

"Yes, it has!" Thalia beamed, giddy that Astrid had made the journey earlier than expected to help prepare for the Masquarade, "How's Winter Court?"

"The same old. No thanks to us, my brother hasn't returned, so I can finally focus on things like running a whole court!"

Thalia pressed her lips together, holding back a sly smile, "I've never seen a fae run away so quickly!" She imagined the silver-haired male cursing as he was cornered, only to winnow away like the coward he was.

"Serves him right." Astrid shrugged, feeling her power surge under her skin as she thought of the traitor. "So, a Masquerade, huh?"

"I just thought... You know, masks and before the war?" Thalia tried to explain as Astrid raised an eyebrow, "I thought it was clever."

Astrid blinked, admiring her cousin's attempt to host the party. If anyone was going to bring Spring Court back into the good graces of each court – especially with the Night Court, she believed Thalia could.

As far as Astrid was aware Thalia was losing sleep over wanting Spring Court to be perfect, but the stubborn high fae would never admit it. Instead, Astrid was her right-hand lady when it came to all things courtly. Thankfully, Thalia was a quick study.

"Okay, so as the official party committee, how can I help?" Astrid grinned, "Need more ice?"


"Lady Astrid!" The two High Ladies looked to see Winter Court's Second, panting as he leaned against the doorframe trying to catch his breath. Thalia held back her giggle at the sight of the scholar born second, who hadn't changed since she had last seen him. 

Thalia watched the Second with a shy smile. His thick locks of hair were pushed behind his ears, adorned with silver weaved through his braids. Argos dropped his arms, with a sigh as Thalia held back a chuckle from her spot on the floor beside her cousin. 

"What on earth are you doing on the ground?"

"Would you believe that we tripped?" Astrid offered as her Second rolled his eyes. He pulled a small handkerchief from one of its pockets, dabbing his tanned forehead from the small sweat he had built up running across the gardens after her. 

Though the battles were few between, Thalia knew better than to dismiss Argos. He was a powerful Second and lived up to his name.

As mates match each other's power, Vash was no different.

Both males could make an incredible impact in battle. Argos was as a general and strategist to Winter's armies in his own right, and Astrid had made him Winter Court's Second as soon as she was High Lady, both for his experience and loyalty to her Court.

"You're both High Ladies of Prythian now. The least you could do is act like it." Argos narrowed his eyes, motioning for the two high faes to stand. His brown eyes scanned the foyer as he clapped his hands, expecting Vash to bound in at any given moment. "...Where is my love?"

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