Year 9

15 0 0

it's 4:29am and i haven't slept all night, i've been up thinking about the past 11 years. however nothing that had happened in the last 11 years matters, all that matter is the response i get later on today and i'm absolutely shitting myself.

you would have thought we would have discussed our little snogging sessions by now but we haven't so i just have to take the leap of faith. i'm going to ask him out. hell i don't even know if he's gay or just experimenting. i'll soon find out i guess.

i haven't got this all planned out like the time when i asked eleanor out, this time i'm just gonna wing it. if i overthink this any more than i already have, i'll end up chickening out.


it's about to happen. i've told harry to meet me at our place at midday, it's 11:57. i layed back on the grass just trying to calm down, i've never felt so nervous to say 6 words.

before i knew it there was another body laying down next to me, i didn't have to open my eyes to know who it was, i recognised the breathing patterns.

"hey haz"

"hello loubear, why have you asked me to meet you here on this fine day?" i chuckled as i listened to harry try to be posh.

"i uh- i want to ask you something"

"okay, go on"

"ah okay, so um i was wondering if you, if you would maybe want to go on a date with me"

harry froze, he stopped breathing and he wasn't blinking, he showed no signs of him actually being alive until he replied.

"um i'll have to think about it"

"o- okay" i said before harry got up and walked away, only giving me a small wave goodbye.


the next week was horrible, i was waiting for harry's reply and he just wouldn't want to give it to me, he was playing with my feelings.

every time i saw him with someone else, a surge of jealousy came over me and he knew it. he waited and waited and waited until i couldn't take it any longer.

we were sat in the middle of english and i finally blurted out

"can you please give me an answer already, it's been 6 days and i can't handle waiting any longer"



"yes, i'll go on a date with you" harry said.

luckily nobody could hear our conversation. i've learnt to talk quietly with harry when we're around other people— even 11 years later he's still shy.


we went on our date and ended it with a kiss, we went on many more and i finally asked him to be my boyfriend. luckily this time he didn't wait 6 days to give me the answer.

i have him // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now