Year 8: part 1

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i was absolutely fucked.

ever since that kiss with harry i've been trying to feel the same when i'm with eleanor but it just won't happen. i think i might like harry. so today's the day i do it. today's the day that i break up with eleanor. i shouldn't have gone on an entire year with eleanor when i knew it wasn't right a couple months in but i was just hoping that i could change. i don't want to have fallen for my best friend but i guess it's just my fate.


after school i invited eleanor round so that i could do it. i didn't want to do it at school and embarrass her in front of her friends.

i sat on the sofa waiting for her to turn up, i was very uneasy because i still can't get my head around the fact that i fancy my best friend.

"you okay loubear?" my mum said which scared the living daylights out of me.

"yeah, just waiting for eleanor to come round"

"and why are you nervous? don't tell me- no you're too young, unless"

"i don't know what the hell you're talking about" i said with a fake chuckle. "but i'm breaking up with her"

"oh honey, why, she seems like such a nice girl"

"yeah she is, it's just, i- um"

"louis you know you can tell me anything" my mum said as she sat down next to me.

i nodded my head.

"mum i think i like harry" i spat out before i could change my mind, keeping my eyes fixed on the floor.

"aw baby, come here" she said before pulling me in for a hug.

i let a few tears escape my eyes as i melted into my mums embrace. the moment was soon ruined by a loud knock at the door. i quickly stood up and shot my mum a sad smile before wiping my eyes and opening the door. eleanor went to kiss me but i turned my face so that she kissed me cheek. i already felt bad, maybe this will be harder than i expected.

"cmon let's go on a walk" i said before i walking out of the house and shutting the door.

"lou what's wrong? you're acting weird"

"i'm not gonna beat around the bush el, i really like you i do but-"

"you're breaking up with me?"

"i- um- yes?"



"so, do you like someone else?"

i didn't reply.

"wow, who is she"

"about that"

"Louis who is she"

"he" i corrected.


"yeah" i said as my head dropped low. i wasn't upset with myself for liking a boy, i was upset with myself for liking my best friend.

"let me guess, you fancy harry?"

"yes okay, i like harry, but keep it down a bit, he lives on this street too and i don't want him hearing"

"i cant believe it, you're dumping me to go be gay with you're best friend. i wouldn't be surprised if you kissed already"

i stayed quiet.

and that was the end. she stormed off and didn't look back. she hasn't decided to talk to me or even look at me at school.

i have him // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now