Year 4

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this year was my worst year yet, we started to learn really hard things, we got less play time, we had to do dancing in PE and worst of all, niall came along.

niall was the loud, perfect irish kid who just wouldn't leave harry alone. the amount of time he spent talking to harry eventually made him warm up to niall, i didn't like that, at all, harry was supposed to be my best friend.

harry still talked to me but just not as much, he started having sleepovers with niall instead of me and one week he chose niall over me when we were asked to get into pairs for PE. for me that was the tipping point, i ran into the toilet, locked myself in a cubicle and just let it all out.

what was wrong with me? why didn't harry like me anymore? everyone else seemed to like me (well except for eleanor because i dumped her), so why not him?

after multiple people being sent in to get me to come back out of the toilets i finally decided to leave the cubicle. i washed my hands because even though i didn't do anything, toilets are still dirty. i dried my hands and turned around to go back into the sports hall when i was met with a pair of green eyes. these green eyes were way too familiar.

"lou, why'd you leave? the teachers really mad"

i just shrugged and tried to walk past him but he blocked me.

"tell me what's wrong"

"you" i muttered under my breath.


"yeah, you and that leprechaun"

"don't call niall that"

"it's what he deserves. we're supposed to be best friends harry, not you and him"

"lou, me and niall aren't best friends, you're my best friends"

"really? because best friends don't choose other people over each other"

"i didn't think you would care, loads of people love you and would love to go with you"

"yeah but i only care about you. if i cared about how those other people felt about me i wouldn't have chosen you over them for the past 4 years. we're supposed to be best friends" i said while a tear escaped both mine and harry's eyes.

"i'm sorry lou, you are my best friend, i mean it this time. i'll be your partner" harry replied while opening his arms and pulling me in for a hug.

when i pulled back i wiped a tear from my eye and said

"if the teacher asks, i thought i was going to throw up."

"okay" harry chuckled before heading back into our lesson where he then went all shy again.


sorry that the last few chapters have been quite short and boring, it will get better once they get into secondary school (in 2 chapters time)

i have him // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now