prologue: year 11

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it's been years now and me and haz are still together. we waited a year to tell people about our relationship and many people ended up being quite supportive, even liam came to his senses and said that he was happy for us.

like everyone does, me and harry have had a few bumps in the road but we've got past them and i've finally realised something.

i love him.

i've never really wanted to say that i'm in love because i feel like you can never know what it feels like but if this isn't love then i don't know what is.

i always feel better when i'm around him and his mood effects mine, it genuinely hurts to think about a life without him and my heart sinks every time  i think about him having to be in pain. that's why i'm making sure we take this relationship slow, i don't want us to rush things and end up doing something that we might regret, especially if it will cause harry pain.

it's the anniversary of our first date and we're doing the same thing we did then, eating a picnic at our spot and then watching the clouds. it might be the most cliche thing ever but i love it.

"that one looks like you" harry said while pointing up to the sky.

"what one?"

"the one that looks like a gorilla"

"i have a feeling that was supposed to be an insult but i'm actually quite fond of gorillas so thank you my young harold"

"you do realise i'm only two months younger than you don't you?" harry said as he rolled onto his front and gave me a kiss.

i sat up a little bit and kissed him again but this time it was longer, slower and with more meaning.

"harry" i said as our foreheads rested against each other.

"hm" he said as a smile crept on his face.

"i love you"


was that all he was going to say? wow. i have been overthinking this for ages and i thought he would feel the same way but clearly no-

"i love you too" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

i kissed him yet again, it was after all my favourite thing to do.

"it's funny seeing you freak out over every little thing" he said with a chuckle as he kissed along my jawline and made his way to my neck. by the time he was done i had multiple purple marks dotted around my neck, but i couldn't care less because no matter how many people notice and comment on it, it won't affect me. i have him and that's all that matters.

i have him.


pls read the a/n, it's really short

i have him // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now