Year 7

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it was the first day at secondary school and i was quite frankly not looking forward to it at all. however i was very very very very very excited to see my hazza for the first time in 6 weeks. wait a minute, my hazza?

i have a new school uniform now, this one has a black blazer, black tie with my house on it and then the normal shirt and trousers. i didn't want to tuck in my shirt like it says on the rules, so i didn't.

once i got to school i stopped by the gates and whipped out my phone to message harry and see where he was before i felt someone pulling my bag back. at first i thought it was some dumb year 10 picking on the first years but it turned out to be harry. a new confident harry. my mouth basically dropped to the floor when i saw harry, he had changed a lot and weirdly it made my tummy do like 20 somersaults. this time i don't have an excuse why.

harry was taller, had broader shoulder, had clearly let his hair grow a bit because it was now CURLY and he just looked amazing.

"hey lou" WOAH his voice has dropped as well.

"uh" was all i could spit out at that moment before eleanor came to the rescue.


"el!" i said back to her, basically mimicking her voice, before pulling her into a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

once i pulled away i held onto her hand and looked back to harry whose confidence had managed to vanish into thin air.

"y- you two a- are"

"oh shoot i forgot to tell you haz i'm so so sorry, me and eleanor got back together just after school ended"

"oh" by this point the colour had completely drained from his face and he was staring at the ground. maybe he's just upset that i didn't tell him sooner.


the day went by slower than ever and harry barely talked at all so i begged him to meet me after he'd had dinner so that we could have a proper catch up.

by the time harry could meet up it was practically dark and the stars were twinkling in the sky. me and harry walked to our secret spot that we found a couple years ago, it's a nice patch of grass that's hidden away and next to a river, it's quite hard to get to do no ones ever there.

we talked a lot about everything you could imagine. then i brought up me and eleanor. harry went quiet again. except for when he asked one question.

"so do you two like, kiss and stuff" after saying it, he scrunched up his eyes as if he was waiting for something awful to happen.

"well no" harry's eyes opened and his body relaxed. "not properly anyway, and um, i kind of wanted to ask you something" this could possibly scare him away but it might not do it was worth a try right?

"go ahead"

"can i like, practice, um with you?"

the last bit came out as a whisper as it was quite embarrassing to say out loud. i looked up from the ground to see harry's eyes wide, staring at me in disbelief. just as i was about to take it back he squeaked out an answer.

"i- yes"

hearing those words gave me a pang of relief and so i started to lean in closer.

"i've never kissed anyone before" harry whispered.

"me neither" i said before leaning in even more.

at this point i could feel harry's breath on my upper lip. he closed the distance between us and before i could react, his lips were on mine. eventually our lips moved along with each other and it just felt so natural. i took it to the next level by swiping my tongue along his bottom lip, his mouth soon opened and i could begin to taste the mint of his toothpaste. i knew it was toothpaste because harry always likes to brush his teeth after eating dinner. i didn't want to seem like i was enjoying it too much so i decided to finally pull back.

"um thank you" i said but  it came out as more of a question.

i got no reply in return, i'm not surprised, after all he did just snog his best friend. i feel like i should feel weirder about it.

"i'm gonna um, go home" harry finally said

"yeah okay, i think i'll stay here for a bit" i said, not wanting the walk back to be awkward. instead i just laid on my back and looked up at the stars, hoping that they'd give me some answers.


some people might think year 7s too early for a full on snog but it isn't really, not where i'm from anyway.

i have him // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now