Legolas - You're My Home

Start from the beginning

He thanked the elleth, and she left them to give them some privacy.

Legolas stared at your face for a moment, you looked peaceful with your eyes closed but he knew better. Every now and then a shiver went through your body, but your cheeks were flaming red from the fever.

"Oh nínim," he sighed, stroking a few hairs of your forehead. (Snowdrop – (it's a flower))
You opened your eyes and smiled weakly, turning your head towards him.

"Hey," you croaked. "You're here."

He returned your smile and kissed your hair, his lips lingering a little longer than usual.
"Of course. I only wish you had called for me sooner."

"You had important meetings to attend."

"Y/N, the only thing that is truly important is you. You matter more to me than anything else," he said, his voice strained because how could you even think you weren't important to him. He loved you more than he could ever express in words.
He reached for your hand and wrapped his own hands around it, kissing your knuckles.

"I didn't want you to worry," you sighed and turned your head slightly, staring at the ceiling.

"Right, and getting my meeting interrupted by a panicked healer doesn't make me worried at all," he said, quirking an eyebrow. "You should've told me, nínim."

"I will be fine by tomorrow, you'll see. It's just a cold or something, maybe the flu. I'll survive."

A healer came in to check on you shortly after, and gave you something to sleep.

Once your eyes were closed and your breathing evened out, he turned towards Legolas.

"This will hopefully bring down her fever as well, I'm not that experienced with humans I'm afraid. I've send a message to Lord Elrond for advice, just in case."

Legolas thanked the healer and after he promised not to tire her out too much, he was allowed to stay. Not that they would ever forbid their own prince access to your room, they wouldn't succeed anyway. Nothing could keep him away from you, if he had anything to do with it.

He kept a close eye on you while you slept.

You were officially courting for just a few weeks now, but Legolas was already hopelessly in love with you. What happened today only confirmed it. The mere thought he could lose you tore him apart.
A few years ago, he never would have thought he could love someone so deeply, let alone a human. And yet here he was, completely at your mercy.

He stayed by your side for the next two days.

The healers and assistants visited regularly, bringing your medicines and checking your temperature. On the second day, Thranduil had even come by for a short visit to see how you were doing.

Luckily, the potions they gave you seemed to work, your temperature was slowly turning back to normal.

You woke up every now and then, but not longer than a few minutes before another potion made you doze off again. During those little minutes, Legolas made sure to tell you how much he loved you and that he would stay with you, no matter what.

One of the assistant healers had told you probably wouldn't remember what he said because of the many potions you were taking, but Legolas didn't care.

During the fourth day, he finally gave in to his own fatigue and fell asleep in his chair; his head and arms on your bed, your hand still clasped firmly in his own.

When he woke up, he felt someone stroking his hair.

His head shot up and he glanced your way, only to stare into your bright (Y/E/C) eyes.

"Your hair is really soft," you smile. "You have to tell me your secret."

"Y/N!" he gasped. "Nínim, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

His hands flew towards your forehead and cheeks, to check your temperature. You felt cooler than the previous days and he sighed in relief.

"Better," you smiled, and right that moment your stomach decided to growl loudly. "And hungry."

Legolas chuckled. "I'm glad to hear. I'll send someone to the kitchens for some soup and I'll let the healers know you're awake."

Before he could leave the room, one of the healers entered. He was happy to see you were awake and doing better. You were allowed to eat some light food and drink lots of water, but you needed to stay in bed for at least one more day.

When the healer left, you made room in the bed for Legolas.

He gladly accepted your invitation, and took you in his arms, your head on his chest.

"Have you been here the entire time?"

He nodded, and kissed your lips softly.
"I guess you should probably go home then," you pouted, reluctant to let him go.

"Nínim nîn, I'm already home... as long as I'm with you."

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