Second Chance Part Two (Gameknight999)

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It was a few weeks after Ba-Jin had realized that Monet and Stitcher were together. And although she was still slightly upset about it, she had come to accept this fact, and move on from it, with the help of her best friend, Da-Ray. But something was still troubling Ba-Jin. After she had poured out her feelings to Da-Ray, she had realized that she felt something else. Not towards Monet, but towards Da-Ray.

Love. Ba-Jin was in love with Da-Ray, and no matter how much she tried to deny this fact, she remained in love. And she was going to confess. It would take twice the amount of courage as it had taken to confess to Monet, but she was going to do it. The problem was that she didn't know the right way to confess to Da-Ray. She wanted it to feel special, to both of them, but she had no idea where to start.

But she knew someone who might...

Ba-Jin walked up to the gates of Crafter's village. Several of the guards raised their weapons at the sight of her, but upon seeing her painted shirt, lowered them, and opened the doors. Monet came out to greet her.

"Hello, Monet..." Ba-Jin said shyly, not knowing how her friend was going to react. Monet ran through the doors and hugged her friend.

"Ba-Jin!" she greeted. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried! I wasn't sure what happened when we last saw each other, you looked upset when you left. I thought it was because of Stitcher..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I've fine..." Ba-Jin said, looking at her ex-crush. She no longer felt the same feelings that she had felt before when she looked at her. "I had to ask you something...about you and Stitcher."

"Yes, what is it?" asked Monet suspiciously.

"When you confessed to Stitcher..." she said slowly. "How did you do it? What did you say?"

Monet raised an eyebrow. "Why?" she asked sneakily. "Do you like someone, Ba-Jin?"

"Maybe..." she replied. Monet squealed and jumped up and down.

"Really?! Who is it?" she asked excitedly. 

Ba-Jin sighed. "It's Da-Ray...but I don't know how to confess to-"

"Oh my gosh REALLY?!" Monet squealed again. "I can just SEE it happening! You two would be SO CUTE together!"

Ba-Jin laughed. "I came to you because I don't know how to confess to her. Can you help?"

Monet calmed down. "I can help you with that. 

"So a little while beforehand, Stitch had just broken up with Herder. Their relationship hadn't clicked, and she was really upset about it. So I went up to her one day, I gave her a Power 5 book for her bow, and I just told her. I asked her if she would be my girlfriend. And she had said yes."

Ba-Jin considered this information. Monet had given Stitcher a gift beforehand...but what could she give? Suddenly, an idea struck her mind. 

"Oh my gosh...I just thought of the greatest idea!" Ba-Jin exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Monet, thank you!"

She ran off, back to her Zombie-Town, to prepare. Monet waved back at her, before running off to the village to continue fangirling over Ba-Jin and Da-Ray. 


This was it, this was the moment that Ba-Jin had prepared for. She had thought of all of the possible outcomes of the upcoming confession, and she knew exactly what she was going to say, and do.

Why was it so hard to bring herself to do them, though?

Ba-Jin walked up to Da-Ray. 

"Hello Da-Ray," she greeted.

"Hi, Ba-Jin!" Da-Ray replied. "What's up?"

"I have something to show you, but you can't look until we get there." Ba-Jin explained. "Do you promise not to look?"

"I promise, although I'm tempted to look..." Da-Ray laughed to herself. "But I promise not to."

Ba-Jin led her best friend out of Zombie-Town, and took her to the big hill, under which Gameknight999 had created his old hideout during the first night he was in Minecraft. They climbed up the hill, Da-Ray mock complaining the whole way up.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" she repeated.

They got to the top of the hill, and Ba-Jin told Da-Ray to open her eyes. When she did so, she gasped in shock. Before her lay the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. Orange, yellow, pink, and red filled the sky as the sun began to descend beyond the horizon.

"I knew that you had always loved sunsets," Ba-Jin told her.

"'s beautiful..." Da-Ray was at a loss of words.

"Yes," Ba-Jin said. "And so are you."

Da-Ray turned from the beautiful view and looked at Ba-Jin, confused.

"Da-Ray, you told me that I would find a second chance after I failed to confess to Monet." Ba-Jin said. "And I believe that I have found my second chance in you." 

Ba-Jin took Da-Ray's hands in hers and looked into her eyes.

"Da-Ray," Ba-Jin continued. "I am in love with you. I needed to ask...if you felt the same way I did."

Instead of responding, Da-Ray pulled Ba-Jin closer to her and kissed her. Ba-Jin was shocked at first, but after realizing what just happened, melted into the kiss. After a moment, they broke apart. Da-Ray had tears in her eyes.

"Of course I will, Ba-Jin." she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Da-Ray pulled Ba-Jin to her, and held her in her arms. Ba-Jin smiled to herself as she leaned into the embrace. She'd had no hope for love after she realized that Monet loved someone else, and she hadn't believed that there would be a second chance. But she hadn't realized that her second chance had been in front of her the whole time, looking out for her and caring for her. Now, as the sun set behind the hills, she sat in the arms of her beloved second chance, and she knew that no other way was more perfect than this.

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