Alone Together (WandaVision)

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This one-shot takes place if WandaVision had gotten a happy ending; Pietro exists, Vision is alive, the people of Westview are normal again, and Agatha remains as Agnes.

"Look, I did exactly what you said, OK?"

"Pietro, when I said I wanted to host a party, I meant a nice get-together with our friends, not this!"

Though only a few days had passed since the Battle of Westview, it felt like several weeks to Wanda. She had been exhausted after her fight with Agatha, and restoring the town while still keeping Vision and her family alive hadn't done much to help her state, but she was happy now. The Westview residents, however, weren't as quick to forgive her after what she had done, so she had come up with the idea to host a get-together for her neighbors and friends, to both apologize for her actions, and celebrate her triumph.

Because what is victory, if not catharsis persevering?

"What's the big dealio?" Pietro replied. "Everyone's gonna love it! What's a party without a little excitement?"

Wanda scoffed, and gestured around the house. "You call this a little excitement?"

"Don't sweat it, sis," Pietro said, "I have everything under control, okay? If I have to be honest, you really did a number on these people, and you gotta pay your debt. And you're definitely not gonna pay it off with a 'get-together' where everyone's standing around awkwardly."

The sound of approaching footsteps caused both of them to turn around. Vision, in his human form, was walking down the stairs.

"Vision, thank God!" Wanda exclaimed, approaching him. "Help me out here!"

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Oh, we just had different ideas about the type of party we're hosting," Pietro explained. "Wanda wanted to do a really boring party where nothing exciting happens, and I just didn't think that was right."

"Look around us!" Wanda said. "This is way too much. He even set up a mini-bar!"

Vision sighed. "I apologize, Wanda, but I feel that I must side with your brother on this one."

"That's the spirit!" Pietro cheered, while Wanda just looked dumbstruck.

"I believe that perhaps this will give you an opportunity to relax, and you can enjoy yourself. You seemed stressed out after your battles, and I think that this will help." Vision told her.

"I-" Wanda tried to argue, but it was hopeless. She was outnumbered. "Alright, fine. But just remember that this is a respectable family! I don't want anyone, especially Pietro, embarrassing us tonight."

"Oh, don't worry, darling, I would never do anything like that." Vision said, smiling, as Wanda had a brief flashback of a certain talent show.

"Did you guys invite anyone else that I should know about?" Wanda asked.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you," said Pietro. "I ended up inviting that one woman who helped us in the battle, from SWORD...what was her name, Ranboo?"

"It's Rambeau, Monica Rambeau," Wanda told him. "And I'm glad you invited her. Did you invite anyone, Vision?"

"Just the Neighborhood Watch members, the Harts, and a couple others from work." he replied. "Oh, and I invited one other person, but I'm not sure if he'll come or not."

"Oh? And who would that be?"

Before Vision could answer, there was a knock at the front door. Wanda walked over to the door and pushed it ajar.

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