Dance Into Love (Gameknight999)

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It was a beautiful Valentine's Day. Birds were singing hymns of love, and flowers were blooming beautiful colors. Couples strolled down the streets, hand in hand, as they celebrated each other's company. Husbands surprised their wives with heart-shaped chocolate boxes, and cliche Hallmark cards, because giving your significant other words that were written by someone else on a flimsy piece of paper is a GREAT way to show them your love.

A.N. If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. I could roast Hallmark stuff all day if I wanted, but there's a one-shot I gotta write!

It was busy in the house of the Chevertons. Tommy and Jenny were preparing for the Valentine's Day Dance in Crafter's village. After Tommy had explained some of the physical world customs to the NPCs in the village, they became interested, and wanted to try them out. The moment Crafter announced the event, Jenny had immediately set off to find Ba-Jin, to ask her out to the dance. The two had been together for a month now, but it had been hard, since Jenny lived in the physical world. 

"Tommy! Jenny! It's almost time!" Mark, their father, shouted from downstairs in the basement.

"Almost ready!" Tommy shouted from his room. He was wearing a suit and tie for what seemed like the first time in his life. It had taken him almost half an hour to figure out how to put on the tie, but he had to look good for the dance. He was going to ask his long-time crush, Hunter, to dance with him. Tommy looked at himself in the mirror and pretended that his reflection was her.

"Hey, wanna dance?" he asked, then shook his head. This wasn't right.

"We should, you know, get out there, do our thing- stop." This wasn't right either. Why would Hunter, beautiful, brave Hunter, ever love a worthless coward like him?

"I love this you?" he asked his reflection.

"Oh yes, I love this song," said an annoying voice behind him. "But not as much as I love you, Tommy."

"I thought I told you to stay out of my room!" Tommy demanded, spinning around to see his sister, Jenny, wearing a long, turquoise dress.

"Thinking about asking Hunter out to the dance?" she asked. "I know she's gonna say yes."

"Well, I've been thinking about it," Tommy replied. "And I've concluded that there's a zero percent chance of her rejecting me if I don't ask her. I've decided not to argue with statistics."

"Tommy! Jenny!" called Mark.

"Coming!" the two shouted.

They ran to the basement, Jenny attempting not to trip over her dress. Mark was waiting for them beside the computer and digitizer. Minecraft had already been loaded up, and the digitizer was powered on, and ready to activate.

"We're ready to go, Dad." Jenny said.

"I'm not," Tommy said to himself.

"Don't worry, son. I'm sure Hunter will say yes." Mark reassured his son, before shooting them both with the digitizer.

After a brief period of bright flashing lights, a hot-and-cold sensation, and a loud buzzing noise, the siblings appeared in Minecraft. The sun was just starting to go down as they made their way to the village. The villagers on the wall, upon seeing them, signaled to one on the ground, who opened the gate for them. As they entered the village, they saw several flyers and posters advertising the dance, which was held in the crafting chamber.

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