Sending A Message (Multifandom Lore)

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TW: Drowning, a gun, some description of a panic attack, more pain and bullying and death

In this one we have Jason Dean, whose demands for his girlfriend had been overlooked by Angel and her mother. He decides to find Spamton in order to send a message to her. This doesn't end up going well for either of them.

"You a beloved?"

Spamton spun around, his gasp of surprise barely audible over the sound of the nearby river. He had come there after Angel had shown him the place, since it was very near the train tracks she walked on at night, hoping to be alone for a while, but it seemed this hadn't been the case for long. On the tracks stood an older teenager who he had never seen before, watching him while smoking a cigarette.

"NO," Spamton replied, assuming that he was referring to the beloveds of Angel. "I'M A [Friend Request Accepted]!!"

The teen raised his eyebrows, walking over to him. "Jason Dean," he said in a drawling voice. "Call me JD. You're Spamton, right?"

Spamton nodded. "SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!! EV3RY BUDDY'S [Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]!!"

JD stopped a few feet away from him, looking him up and down. "Of course you're a salesman," he said. "You sound just like an advertisement. But it's nice to see that Angel's actually making friends with people instead of just having sex with them."

Spamton shrugged. "DID YOU NEED SOMETHING??"

"Yeah, actually." JD dug his hands into the deep pockets of his trench coat. "You, uh, seeing Angel any time soon?"

"I BELIEVE SO." he nodded. "DID YOU WANT TO [Send A Message] TO HER??"

"Well, I tried doing that earlier with her, but that didn't really work out." JD told him. "Maybe she'll listen to you."

He took his hands out of his pockets, revealing that his fingers were wrapped around the handle of a small, silver pistol. Spamton froze up at the sight of it.

"Dreadful etiquette, I apologize," JD said, his voice remaining casual as he raised the gun, training it on Spamton's horror-stricken face. "But I have to get this done somehow. Don't worry, I'm not gonna shoot you if you comply. I just need you to send a little message to her."

He tilted his head and smirked at Spamton, who had quickly raised his hands above his head, backpedaling away, barely noticing that he was walking in the river now. JD followed him, paying the water that was flowing around his ankles no mind.


"You see, back in my old life, before I came here, I had this girlfriend." JD said, ignoring Spamton's pleads. "Her name was Veronica Sawyer, and we were gonna blow up this school we went to together, to send a message to society! The only place where different social types can genuinely get along is in Heaven, and we wanted to prove that!"

A wistful look appeared in his eyes as he remembered the good old days of his previous life. "I ended up dying, of course, and was brought back here," he continued, waving his gun around, causing Spamton to flinch back every time it was pointed at him. "I abandoned Veronica. And I wanted to get her back, I wanted to show everybody here our great I asked it. I asked Wonder for my Veronica, to bring her back, and you know what it said?"

JD scoffed, shaking his head, looking down at his reflection in the water. "It said that she'd 'impede my true abilities'. She was the reason I was doing it in the first place!" His voice rose to a shout, and Spamton took another step back, his arms rising in front of his face. "And so I asked Angel about it, but she said the same goddamn thing! Nobody listened to me!" He sighed angrily, shaking his head again with a small smile. "Now that I have you, however, maybe she'll listen to me."

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