The Simpsons Highschool AU (Part One)

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My school system is very different than "normal" school, so I'm just going off of what I've seen in movies, and TV shows (Stranger Things)...don't judge me. Heh.

"So, did he call?"

Bart asked Lisa as they walked towards the school. Lisa shifted her bag higher on her shoulder before replying.

"Shut up, Bart, I told you it's not like that!" she said. Her brother raised his eyebrows and smirked as he watched her. "Ok, I mean, yes, he does like me, but not like that. We just...made out a couple times."

"'We just...made out a couple times.'" Bart imitated. "Seriously, Lise, Nelson's the second most popular boy in our grade, second to me, of course. You're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous!"

"Third," Lisa corrected, pointing. Bart turned his gaze from his sister to another boy, who was riding a skateboard nearby, his brown hair shining in the sunlight. As they watched, he stopped, kicking the skateboard up and catching it before entering the school building. Bart rolled his eyes.

"Just because he's so rich and famous doesn't mean that he's gotta be popular."

"You're just jealous." Lisa said. 

"Jealous?! Of what?" Bart exclaimed. "I don't need to have a big fancy house, or tons of money, or everybody in class fawning over me to be happy!"

"Of course you're jealous, Bart." Lisa told him. "Who wouldn't want to be him?"

Bart sighed. "For once in your life, you're right." He watched the doorway that the kid had just entered and scowled. "Look at him, with his perfect hair and his perfect body and his perfect athleticism...he's even better at skateboarding than me. And he's got all the girls."

"All the girls...and one guy, of course." Lisa reminded him.

Bart scoffed. "Yeah, like he counts. He's nobody."

"Do you think he knows yet?" 

"How could he not have noticed by now? I mean, you'd have to be as blind as four-eyes himself to not see the hints he drops."

"Hey!" Lisa protested as they entered the building. "Don't call him that. It's not his fault that he's different."

"Yeah, it's not my fault either, isn't it?" Bart asked, looking away. He raised his hand in greeting to another kid who was leaning against the lockers, looking bored. "Heya, four-eyes! How's- OW!" he was interrupted by a punch to the shoulder and an angry glare from Lisa.

"Jeez, what was that for?" Bart complained as Lisa walked over to the boy that Bart had mocked.

"I'm sorry about him, my brother can be such an idiot sometimes..." she said.

"No need to apologize, Lisa." Waylon reassured her. "I get it all the time."

" there anything I can do to help?" Lisa asked.

He shook his head. "No, nothing. I've learned to live with it. Some things just can't change, you know?"

"She has a boyfriend." a voice spoke suddenly. 

They both looked up, and Waylon's eyes filled with fear. Before them stood Nelson Muntz, who, though time had passed since elementary, had not rejected his ways of bullying the weaker students. He stepped menacingly towards the two.

"You thought it'd be a good idea to hit on my girlfriend while my back was turned, didn't ya?" he growled, his eyes drilling holes into Waylon's soul.

"Nelson, what are you talking about?" Lisa asked, shocked. "He wasn't- we weren't-"

Nelson didn't hear Lisa's pleads. He grabbed Waylon by the shirt, pushing him hard back against the lockers. Everyone stopped what they were doing and instantly turned to watch. They always loved to see Nelson beat someone up, especially if it was Waylon.

"You realize what happened to Milhouse when he tried to come near my girl, right?" he said, his eyes narrowing. "Do you have any idea what I'm like, when I'm mad?!"

"HEY!" a voice in the crowd shouted. "What the hell's going on here?"

Everyone turned to face the one who had spoken, several of them gasping and muttering to themselves. They had all recognized the voice instantly, and were shocked. The crowd parted, and Nelson turned to see the most popular kid in the entire school storming towards him, his blue eyes flashing in anger.

"Monty Burns!" he exclaimed, letting go of Waylon. "Wh-What are you doing here?" 

Monty strode up to Nelson and pushed him aside. Leaning back against the lockers, he turned to Waylon and asked, "Is this guy bothering you?"

"What? No!" the bully interjected, trying to cover up his actions. "We were just...talking, y'know, like friends do!"

Monty rolled his eyes. "Nah, it didn't seem like talking from where I was standing." He stepped forward. "I thought I told you to stay away from Waylon."

"But I-" Nelson tried to say, before realizing that defending his case would only lead him to more trouble. He bowed his head. "Yes, sir."

"Great!" Monty patted him on the shoulder, sending him on his way. The crowd, realizing that their long-awaited fight was no more, dispersed, heading to their separate classes. Nelson turned away, joining Lisa and Bart, but before he disappeared, he turned, staring at Waylon with his signature "I'll get you next time" look. Monty sighed, and turned back to his friend.

"Thanks," Waylon said breathlessly.

"Don't mention it," Monty chuckled. "Least I could do. Besides, I've been meaning to talk to you." He produced a colored sheet of paper from his bag and held it out to him. "You're going to this."

Waylon looked at the paper, which contained an invitation to a party at Monty's house at the end of the week. "No, no I'm not."

"Yes, you are." he insisted. "What could be more important than this night?"

"Anything!" Waylon protested. "You do realize that our final exams are on that week, and we have to study, right?"

"Oh, come on, Waylon! You've been studying for these exams since Christmas, you're gonna be fine! Besides, you said yourself that you wanted to get a life, and I'm offering you a chance to live a little! Who knows, you might someone." 

Waylon noticed that he sounded, somehow, less enthusiastic as he finished speaking. He didn't pay it too much mind, however, since he had made a good point. Maybe this could be the opportunity he needed to make a name for himself in the school, something other than "four-eyes". But then again, there were the exams. He needed to have the best grades possible if he was to go to college to become a nuclear technician. He thought to himself for a moment, then came to a decision, sighing.

"Fine." he said in defeat. "I'll go to your stupid party, but don't expect me to stay long."

Monty grinned, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That's all I ask." He turned away, walking down the hall, heading for class.

Waylon watched him leave, already regretting his choice to go to the party. He'd rather stay at home, alone, studying quietly for his tests, than hang out with tons of people in a loud, crowded house with music and drinking. But still, he reminded himself, Monty was the host...

His shoulder still tingled from where Monty had touched it, reminding him of his hopeless crush. There was no way that they could be together. First off, Monty was obviously straight. Second off, even if he wasn't, he was way out of his league. Why would a hot, popular, athletic person like him ever want to be with a shy, introverted, nerdy loser like himself? 

But then again, Monty was his friend. He'd hung out with him, been there for him, and protected him from the jerks and bullies like Nelson. Why he did these things, Waylon could never know. He just knew that he was in love. But still, he asked himself, as Monty walked out of sight;

Could there be hope?

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