Broken (The Simpsons)

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Monty's car sped along the road as fast as he dared go. His hands shook against the steering wheel as he drove, headed for downtown Springfield. He knew he was driving over the speed limit, and that there was a high chance of him being pulled over, but he didn't care. That didn't matter right now.

All that mattered at the moment was Waylon.

Something was wrong, he could feel it. He could tell that his assistant was acting different from the moment he had stepped into the Nuclear Power Plant. Waylon had been the complete opposite of his normal personality. He had barely spoken throughout the time he was there, and had done his best to avoid everyone there, including Monty. When Monty had pressed him, asking what was wrong, he'd gotten angry, and lied, saying that everything was fine. In all of the years they'd known each other, Waylon had never lashed out at Monty like that. Something, or someone, was hurting him, and Monty was determined to find out what.

He eventually reached his destination and parked alongside the road. Normally when visiting Waylon, he would've called ahead, and let him know that he was coming. But there had been no time for that. He jumped out of his car, slamming the door behind him, and running up to the apartment building where Waylon lived. It was all familiar to him, as he'd been here several times before. He knew where to go.

Finally, he found the apartment he was looking for. He strode up to the door and knocked loudly. There was no answer from inside. He tried again. Still, there was no response. Concern for Waylon's well-being dominated Monty's emotions as he turned the door knob, and found it to be unlocked. He slowly opened the door and glanced around. There was no sign of another's presence within the room, but as he slowly walked forward, he could hear a noise. It seemed to be coming from the bedroom. As Monty quickly crossed over to the door, the noise became clearer. 

The faint strains of muffled crying reached his ears as he reached the door. A chill ran down his spine at the sound, and he bit his lip nervously. He had never heard Waylon cry before, ever. He'd always been so happy and cheerful. As he leaned closer to the door, he could hear his voice.

"It's for the one else will get hurt because of me..."

His voice was barely more than a shaky whisper, and Monty could barely make out the words. He raised his hand to knock, but paused, hearing Waylon speak again.

"This is fine...I've done this before, haven't I?"

He heard movement on the other side of the door, and Waylon gasped, as if in pain. The crying resumed again, and Monty heard the sound of metal clanging on the floor. 

"It'll be alright, in the end...tomorrow, I'll end my pain...and everyone else's..."

Monty stiffened, realizing at last what Waylon was talking about. Tears began to form in his eyes as he raised his hand, and knocked on the door. 

The moment his hand made contact with the wood, movement erupted from within the bedroom. He heard the sound of metal scraping against the floor, and a drawer being rapidly opened and closed.

"Who is it?" Waylon asked, a note of panic in his voice.

"It's me...Monty." he said.

The door suddenly flew open. Waylon stood in the room, his hair disheveled, his eyes red, and wearing a sweatshirt that looked like it had just been thrown on moments ago. 

"Monty? What are you doing here?" he asked, confused. Monty knew that he was trying his hardest to act casual.

"Waylon...are you alright?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Waylon hesitated a moment before replying. "Yes...of course I am. Why?"

"I heard you, talking to yourself, in your room just now." Monty told him.

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