Chapter 5

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Sirius couldn't even process everything that was happening. Everything was going far too quickly for his suddenly slow brain to catch up on.

After everyone had been sorted, Dumbledore had made a speech, said some weird words and the empty plates in front of them had magically filled with food.

Sirius started at it all. He'd never seen so much food in one place before. Or more, he had, but he was never allowed to eat as much as he liked.

Now though, no one said a word as he piled up his plate. "Sweet mother of matrimony," he moaned as he bit into a roast beef roll.

Remus smiled at him, choosing a few things from the hundreds of dishes in front of them. He didn't seem picky.

James was piling his food up on his plate like Sirius was. "Hogwarts food is apparently the best food you can get anywhere. That's what my Dad says."

Sirius could only nod, his mouth too full of food to speak. Talking didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was eating as much of this delicious food as was physically possible. He had learnt that he had to take opportunities when they arrived and not hesitate. Right now, he wouldn't hesitate in stuffing his face.

When the dinner had cleared it was replaced with desserts. Pastries and puddings, all sorts of different desserts that had Sirius's mouth watering. His stomach was already pretty full, something he had never felt in his whole life, but desired he could wolf down a few more bits of food here and there.

When all was said and done, the leftover food vanished and the older students stood, the first year's following suite to be led back to their dormitories.

Sleep sounded excellent to Sirius. He couldn't remember the last time he had gotten a good night's sleep. He was always awoken early on in the morning to help his Mother with chores, Father punishing him whenever he was even a few minutes late.

But now he could go to sleep straight after eating a filling meal, not work for another three hours straight after only a piece of bread and water.

Sirius caught Remus's eyes a little across from him who smiled at him making Sirius smile back with a sleepy expression. Gods, he couldn't wait to sleep.

"Don't pass out on us now," James said, his tone joking though he had to nudge Sirius to keep him walking and awake. "I won't carry you to the dormitory if you decide to drop right here and now."

Sirius nodded though he only half heard what it was James had said. Something about not falling asleep? But how could he not? He was so full and so very tired, sleep sounded amazing...

"Whoa there," James exclaimed, catching Sirius who had started falling forward. "Almost there, bud. Don't fret."

Sirius mumbled something as he felt another hand grab his other arm, holding him upright as they marched him along. He hoped they figured he was just tired from the whole train ride and such, not for any other reason. But he couldn't be sure.

He glanced down at the person who had grabbed his arm and saw it was Remus. Even through the long sleeves of Sirius's cloak he could still feel the warmth the other boy radiated despite his rather pale complexion he had. It made him internally shiver.

They finally made it to their corridor, having to go through a painting of some lady that moved in her picture frame. The boys and girls divided into their separate corridors. Sirius saw the girl, Lily from earlier, giving James a dirty look before she headed up the girls dorm. James however, didn't notice and Sirius decided not to say anything about it.

They got their room, their luggage already there. There were two bunk beds inside the room. The four friends glanced at each other (Peter trailing along behind them all) before James grinned.

"Perfect number," he stated gleefully. "I call top bunk!" He raced over to said bunk, scrambling up the ladder and flopped on the made bed messing up the sheets. "Ahhh, so good."

Peter fidgeted. "I don't like the top bunk really. What if I fall off?" He said nervously.

James snickered from his bunk.

"You can sleep in the bunk below James," Remus offered the younger boy who was supporting Sirius alone who was tottering to the left a fair bit, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Peter nodded. "Alright," he said in his squeaky voice, walking over to the bottom bunk where his trunk was to get changed for bed.

Personally, Sirius was way too tired to get changed. In fact, he was quite really to pass out on the floor.

"Come on, Sirius. You look as if you're about to drop," Remus commented (he wasn't wrong) and tugged him over to the free bunk. "You can have the top."

Sirius nodded, not caring what he was agreeing to. He just wanted to be able to lie down and sleep until the morning sun rose tomorrow with no interruption.

And maybe for once, no nightmares.

Remus helped him up the ladder and Sirius took it from there once Remus pulled back the covers for him, lying down and snuggling up to his pillow. Ooh, the bed was so warm. Remus threw the covers back over Sirius's sleepy form before preparing for bed himself.

Sirius's eyes slid shut and welcomed the darkness that fell over him.


It was around nine when the boys were forced to get up for the day. Sirius had been woken by James who had thrown a pillow at him. Remus had been more considerate, lightly shaking Peter awake.

As Sirius dressed, he thought about his dreams he had had. Or more, his nightmare. But he ignored it all. Best to act like nothing was wrong. He was just glad he hadn't cried out in the night. He quite liked his new friends and didn't want to think he was a baby for crying in his sleep.

The foursome grabbed their bags filled with the things they would need for the day before heading down for breakfast.

Unlike the night before, Sirius didn't have much of an appetite. He poked at his bacon and beans for a good long while, only taking a few nibbles. The nightmares were obviously affecting his mood though he tried not to let it.

Eventually they all headed off to class, Peter and James chatting about something that didn't really interest Sirius all that much. He glanced out the corner of his eye at Remus who was reading a book much like he had been on the train. Must be a good book.

"Does anyone know where we are?" James asked aloud after a few minutes of aimless wandering around looking for their class. They were clearly lost but Sirius hadn't wanted to say anything and was glad James was the one to bring it up.

"Perhaps you should ask for assistance?" Remus suggested not looking up from his book.

James shook his head. "Nah, I've got this."

"Famous last words," Sirius muttered, making James laugh.

"Come on now, have a bit of faith in me," James said. "We just need to figure out a way to navigate this place. Simple as that."

"Like a map," Sirius offered.

James nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! They should have given us maps so we could find our way around," James said fiercely. He sighed dramatically. "Alas, we have no map. But never fear! James Potter is here!"

Remus shook his head, shutting his book and putting it away. "We're going to be late," he stated plainly.

Sirius couldn't help but agree though James just scoffed. "Nonsense. Come along!"

He turned and walked away, not bothering to look behind him to check if they were following.

"You sure we can't just ask for help?" Peter asked, chewing at his nails.

Sirius glanced at him before shrugging, following after James. He heard the two follow after him.

"Let's hope James knows what he's doing," Remus said at Sirius's shoulder, making the dark haired boy smile.


Ehem, yes, I'm alive. I updated. Yay! Let's celebrate! *throws steamers*

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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