Chapter 2

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Remus, who happened to look up at the dark haired boy across from him, frowned at the boy's glance towards the trolley before looking away just as fast. It was obvious the boy was hungry. Why didn't he just get something to eat?

James came back, his arms loaded with lollies and sweets, dumping them on a spare seat. "Dig in guys. I'm not going to be able to eat this myself."

Peter didn't hesitate, grabbing the nearest sweet and ripping open the packet.

"Want some Remus?" James asked, offering a chocolate frog to the other boy. "Though be sure to show me the card. I'm still looking for a few rare ones."

Remus took it with a thanks. He glanced at the dark haired boy again who was determinedly looking out the window.

Remus bit his lip, thinking for a moment before sighing softly.

Might as well.

"Would you like a chocolate?" He asked the boy, cursing silently at the nervous shake of his voice.

The boy gave a start, his head whipping around to look at Remus. "Pardon?"

"Chocolate? Would you like one?" Remus asked. "Chocolate is my favorite. Such a good treat, don't you think?"

The boy blinked, looking befuddled before glancing at the chocolate Remus held out for him. The boy swallowed before reaching out to take it.

Remus felt the boy's fingers brush his and felt a shiver go down his spine. The boy's fingers were cold to the touch.

The boy drew back, chocolate in hand and mumbled a 'thank you' to Remus who nodded.

"No problem," he said, smiling.

James glanced at the boy. "Same goes for you. Any famous cards, you show me first, got it?"

The boy nodded, opening the packet and didn't even glance at the card as he handed it over to James.

James took it, looking over it eagerly before his face fell. "Damn it. Not him again. I've got four of him already," he cursed, tossing the card aside.

Remus wasn't even paying attention to what James was complaining about, too intent on watching the boy with slight interest.

The boy was obviously trying to pace himself, despite the starved look in his eyes as he slowly ate the chocolate. It was like he was trying to preserve it, make it last as long as possible.

"You can have more, you know," Remus told him. "I'm sure James doesn't mind, do you James?"

"Nah, I don't care," James agreed. "Have as many as you want."

The boy looked surprised but nodded. "Thanks. I will."

"What's your name?" Remus asked, setting aside his book.

The boy frowned slightly. "Sirius."

"Seriously?" James asked sarcastically with a smirk.

Sirius looked like he was struggling not to smile at the bad joke. "Yes. Very seriously."

James laughed at that, grinning at the raven haired boy. "Well, I'm James. James Potter. That's Peter Pettigrew," he stated, pointing at the mousy haired boy.

"And I'm Remus Lupin," Remus said, smiling at Sirius who slowly smiled back.

"You're all friends, I'm guessing?" Sirius said.

"Well, sorta," James said, shrugging. "Remus and I met on the platform just before and Peter we both met on our way to find a compartment."

Sirius nodded. "You don't say. So, you haven't met before besides today?"

𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕬𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 // 𝖂𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 ✏Where stories live. Discover now