☁️eichi tenshouin☁️

905 19 3

warnings: major character death, minor swearing

Eichi knew he was dying. He knew from a young age he could die at any given moment. The numerous hospital visits he had since he was a young boy really spoke for itself.

That's why he tried to live his life to the fullest. Sure he's made mistakes here and there (even though he doesn't think the way he reformed the school was executed well), he's only human. Even if he was a cruel human. However, it all changed when he met you.

You helped change him, and he'd be forever grateful for you. He knew he was a bad person, a tainted soul, but you helped him become better. Even if his soul was still stained, it felt like you gave him a new, blank page of his life.

He remembered the first time he realized how much you mean to him. It was after one of fine's concerts...

"Eichi-kun," You told him, stepping out into the soft glow of the moonlight.

Eichi was standing near a cherry blossom tree, captivated by how beautiful you looked. The moonlight shone dully on your hair, and your eyes sparkled like he stars.

"Y/N-chan, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to spend some time with you,"

He looked up at you, shocked. No one had ever wanted to genuinely spend time with him before. Most people would have been too intimidated to even strike up a conversation with him.

"Oh, sure," He managed to respond, beckoning you to come huddle beside him.

The two of you sat under the cherry blossom tree, and talked for hours. He enjoyed the way your body felt so small and warm huddled up to him, chatting about whatever came to mind. It was at that moment, Eichi knew he was going to catch feelings for you. Those many hours the two of you spent together, the more he noticed that glimmer in your eye, or how you play with the sleeve of your blazer when you get nervous.

Even though it was only a few hours, to Eichi, those hours felt like forever.

Well... if only forever exists.

As he lay in the bright hospital room, he can't help but let his mind wander to thoughts of you as the nurses flood his room once more. He smiles at the thought of you, huddled next to him, as the both of you forgot about any problems you had in the world.

If only his body was stronger. He didn't want to be laying here in this dull hospital bed with wires sticking out of him and machines beeping every second. He wanted to be with you.

He'd give everything up just to have those couple hours with you again.

I'm sorry, Producer-Chan.

The machines he's been hooked up to make a steady beeping sound, as he focuses on the dripping IV bag connected to his arm. With every passing second it gets harder for him to move. He can feel his body become heavier, and his eyelids start closing.

He can hear a knock at his door, but his vision blurs and it's a struggle to turn his head. His entire body feels like lead

"Eichi," he hears the familiar voice of Wataru Hibiki, part of his unit fine, say.

Eichi tries to open his eyes at the sound of his friend's voice, but everything is blurry.

"Wa...ta...ru...?" He manages to get out, his oxygen mask fogging up.

"Shhh Eichi, don't speak," You hush him, feeling your heart break at his weak state.


He struggles to open his eyes, as a white light floods his vision. Feeling his body relax, he feels his chest rise up and down once, before everything goes dark.

After years of suffering, he was finally free.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

The beeping noise fills the room as you let out a sob.

"Come one y/n." Wataru says to you, escorting you out of the room. Even though he doesn't show, he's on the verge of breaking down into tears too.

As soon as you and Wataru get back to the waiting room, the other members of Fine are there and have already received the news from Wataru.

Your sobs fill the room, as the rest of Fine huddle around you and also break into loud cries.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

The funeral for one of the idols with the brightest future was extravagant to say the least. You knew the Tenshouin family was wealthy, but they went all out.

Much to your surprise, all of Yumenosaki's former 5 Oddballs came (although it took Kuro Kiriyu and Mika Kagehira to convince Shu Itsuki to come), along with all of Yumenosaki.

Eichi may have succumbed to his illness, but his legacy remains. He was very influential in establishing Ensemble Square.

Even Rei Sakuma agreed, for as much as he hated Eichi it was a shock even to him how Eichi was gone.

Hiyori Tomoe was silent the entire time (much to Jun's delight), for he too didn't expect Eichi's death to happen so abruptly.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay?" Anzu asks you, wiping a few tears away from her eyes, watching as you stood at his grave.

"I'll be okay, Anzu-chan," you respond, trying to not only convince her, but yourself too.

Standing alone at Eichi's grave, you sob once more.

How could the universe take him away from you?

His last words replay over and over in your head, like a broken record.

Fuck, you miss him...and he'll never be coming back. You'll never get to see him again.

"He's free from his suffering now," Wataru says, dropping a single red rose on his friend's grave.

The usually restless and energetic Wataru had tears running down his face.

The two of you take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of someone very important to the both of you.

"I'll give you some time alone, but don't stay for too long. The rest of fine is waiting for you," Wataru says, disappearing.

You turn back to Eichi's grave, and let out a few more sobs.

"I love you too Eichi Tenshouin. Fly high my angel"

Leaving a single red carnation behind, you tear your gaze away and follow the tall, blue haired man.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

a/n: sorry i've been so inactive. the only excuses i can offer is that i downloaded enstars and accidentally got addicted, and physics is kicking my ass. i have a test tomorrow but i wanted to write some angst. anyway happy birthday to izumi and rei (it's november 2nd here) and maybe i'll write a kaoru fluff oneshot for his birthday tomorrow. okay i'll go study now (or i'll cry) 


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