Update Schedule

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If you don't care much for an author, an update schedule, or a plan, then skip right over this bit and dive into my story. But I like plans, so here's mine.

As of the very minute that I'm typing this, I have not a single reader to my name. But in the case that changes and someone takes a liking to this shoddy old pile of words, I would like that someone to know when they'll be receiving updates.

This story will see an update every Friday evening (PST). Through rain or shine, you'll get some words from me! Each chapter will range from 2500 to 4500 words and there will be an additional bonus update whenever I get ahead of my writing schedule (likely once a month). 

Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope you enjoy my work!

Update to the update schedule:

Courtesy of wonderful people with wonderful feedback, chapters will be broken into smaller pieces. The actual chapters will still be the same overall length but instead will be released in parts to allow for easier reading. These parts will still be posted at the same time, though, so there's no loss of content! :)

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