Chapter 11.2

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The creaking of an old gate swinging open was the first thing Vivian heard, but it took her several minutes to pry her eyes apart. At some point during the drive, a gentle drizzle had turned into a thunderous pour. The dribbles of water splashing against the windows blurred the outside, but the Blackwood manor was identifiable even through the weather. Its ominous stature and menacing backdrop were no less intimidating the second time around.

The rhythmic drumming on the roof of the car was a comforting background noise turned unfortunate inconvenience when it came time to actually get out of the vehicle. Water and time had helped her intoxication but had invited the hangover headache much too soon. She groaned, moving to get out of the car and realizing only then she didn't have her trademark duffle bag with her.

"Did you move my bag?"

Theodora eyed her curiously. "You didn't have a bag when I picked you up."

Fuck. She slipped a hand into her jacket pocket, finding her notepad and phone safe and sound. Small victories.

With no more excuses, she got out of the car, shortly followed by Theodora.

Rain poured from the sky, drenching the mountainside and Vivian with it. She could feel Theodora's eyes on her, but the young vampire remained beside the car.

"Does he know I'm coming?" she asked, raising her voice to be heard above the rain. A growing sense of hesitation chewed through her as she eyed the cold stonework. She could feel the grail inside, the screaming of souls humming in the back of her mind. It was an efficient tool for sobering her up, at least.

"Of course. We intend to cooperate fully," Theodora reassured, her voice echoing around the empty courtyard of the manor.

"Will you come in with me?" Vivian asked, turning to look at the other woman with pleading eyes.

The vampire hesitated, glancing between the car and the building, before nodding slowly. "To the entrance, at least," she answered and closed the car door.

Together the two approached the mansion, both hesitant to enter but for different reasons. The door of the building was large, heavy wood, with thick, metal handle pieces. Theodora heaved the grand architecture open, to the appreciation of the skinny-armed human.

Vivian had expected luxurious but hollow adornments, decadence of the highest order in every aspect of the house; She had imagined long flowing red curtains and dimly lit chandeliers dangling above beautiful, sprawling staircases. Every mental image of the place included hazy lighting and dark corridors hidden behind delicate woodwork and grim paintings.

All of this was true, of course, but none of it was what she noticed first.

The first thing to note was the smell.

The rot of the grail could be felt even at the entrance, but the haunting stink of blood thoroughly permeated the place to such an extreme depth that the smell couldn't have been the grail alone. It felt as if the crimson liquid had seeped its way into every part of the house, corrupting the wood and stone to its core. The dense smell hung heavy in the air, filling her unprepared lungs, and bringing a feeling of nausea to her stomach. In hindsight, that might have been the whiskey.

She wasn't the only one affected. Theodora had paused at the door, but the smell reached her even there and even with the rain to wash it away. Her thick black nails dug into the door handle, making an awful screeching sound and causing Vivian to take a step back warily.

"I'm sorry. This place is a lot for me to handle – Dominic should greet you soon, but I need to leave now," Theodora whispered, soft and reassuring words undercut but the gleaming fangs catching the light. Vivian had no opportunity to respond, as the vampire swung the large door shut as quickly as she had opened it, leaving her alone.

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