Chapter 12.1: Indiscernible Falsehoods

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Dazzling lights twinkled high above her head, mimicking the stars with their glorious beauty. With every slow step, outstretched arm, and elegant twirl, the music seemed to dance with her rather than the other way around.

No band could be seen, but there were plenty of people. Handsome, gorgeous, dangerous people swaying to the hauntingly slow music in a wall of bodies that encapsulated her and her partner – the stars of the show, in her own mind at least.

He was beautiful. They all were. But him, especially. His black hair stretched across his pristine suit like a patch of the night sky – every strand perfectly immaculate and designed to fall in a magnificent wave over his shoulders.

Their hands met when their eyes could not. He leaned her into a low dip, she rose into a slow twirl and so continued the dance that had been going on for a hundred years and would continue for a hundred more.

She could stay there forever with that century-long dance, but delicate, slender hands crept around her shoulders and pulled her away. They belonged to an equally stunning creature, her hair a sheet of flawless white silk snaking down her exposed back.

Together they left the entrancing ballroom, the beautiful woman a tantalizing fantasy that demanded she never look away as they sneaked away from the somber music and cold bodies to creep up the stairs and to the bedrooms. To one bedroom, in particular.

The white-haired woman shut the door behind them, pressing a finger to her lips for a silence that she already had. Long fingers tipped with blood-red nails pointed in a crooked shape at a sturdy wardrobe. Its enormous shape overwhelmed the corner of the room it stood in, and as her finger lifted the doors creaked open in response.

Luxurious gowns and coats dangled inside, but the woman's finger remained steadily pointed at the wooden furniture, insisting it is further examined.

A slow approach with creeping steps revealed a wonderous hum of light, kept barely contained by a false panel in the lower right corner. Each step increased the power of the light until the glowing square was all she could focus on in the room.

In an instant, the doors slammed shut. The woman's hands were on her shoulders once again.

"Don't forget."

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