n/a and important must read

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Hi everyone long time no talk and first of all I want to say thank you for all those who show much love for this book as well sharing it to the point I got a private mgs from a knew site to offer me a deal in which the deal I decied not to take. At the same time I wanted to put on here to say and show my love for the author as well remain everyone that this story isnt mine to begin with but as well it something I can not make offer for so if any person who is trying to make me a offer plz dont this story gonna stay on here till this platform died like the site I got it from and in which is free for everyone to read. Plus I wouldn't feel right taking something from a author I look up and hope one day can say to them how great and wonderful there story was and hoping for a part 2 of it but hey u can only dream. Also the pic for this chapter is my own reply to the person that made me a offer I just didnt post there name cause I didnt want them to be harrassed but also show yall I'm staying true to my words that this book will never be sold. So if yall see it somewhere else and they profiting from it plz dont buy it just come here and read it for free. Plz and thank you
Well I said my piece and have a good day/night and stay safe peace and love 💕

Gokusen 4 BY dEEaNNa Where stories live. Discover now