Troubles Again...

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Yankumi stares at her 4 students that stares back at her. She curse herself in her heart for being so stupid and paranoid that now she is being discovered.


Yankumi went straight to the shower and then started to undress. She let the water sipped through her hair and that made her feel better. She felt relieved that she is not exposed yet.

"Luckily they did not figure out anything," Yankumi said to herself as she shampoo her hair. "Baka Hyuuga.. If he had tell even more, Im sure that they would know that Im the fourth generation of the Oedo family. A yakuza family."

Suddenly she heard small muttering and muffling that made her turn off the water pipe and then she heard it again. She felt so scared that she dares not move.

"What if that is a..." she murmured under her breath and then she shake her head so as not think about it.

She quickly wear her clothes and slowly she opened her door. What stood in front of her shower door really shocked her. Her three students that might have heard everything.

-End of Flashback-

Shin ran over to Yankumi and nudge her and that made her come back to reality. She looked at her three students that just stare at her. She smiled nervously.

"Baka.." Shin murmured as he looked at Yankumi.

" guys heard it right??" Yankumi asked as they slowly began to walk to the boys room.

"Hai.." Yoshida answered.

"Why did you keep it a secret?" Hamao asked as he looked at her.

"" Yankumi said and then was interupted by Shin.

"Because if the principal and the other teacher got to know that Yankumi is from Yakuza family, she would have to resign from being a teacher," Shin said.

"Ehk.. Nande?" Wakatsuki asked as he look at Shin.

"Because the public is an irritating thing you know. The way they judge people is unfair," Yankumi answered as she smile. "Let's go in."

"Yankumi, you sure you want to tell whole class if 3D about it?" Shin said as he suddenly grab onto Yankumi's hand.

Yankumi looked down at the hand that holds onto hers. It is warm. She felt slightly different. She looked at Shin that looked at her seriously.

'Why he care so much about me?' Yankumi wondered and then she snapped out of it.

"Hai..Im sure..This will only be fair to everyone..." Yankumi said with a smile and then that warm hand let go of hers.

She walked in as whole class of 3D stared at her in surprise. Yankumi walked in and sat in the middle of room as the whole class of 3D stares at her, especially Ogata, Kazama, Kuraki, Ichimura, Honjo and Kamiya. They wondered what Yankumi is planning of doing in the middle of the night.

"Umaera.. Gomen..." Yankumi said as she bowed her head and that shocked her students.

"Nande Yankumi?" Kazama asked as he walked up to Yankumi and then Ogata lift up her head so that she would not bow to them.

"Because I kept a very big secret from all of you.." Yankumi said as she felt a lump stuck in her throat as she speaks.

"SECRET?!" they exclaimed.

Ogata, Kazama, Kamiya, Honjo, Kuraki and Ichimura stared at her with their eyes wide open. They knew exactly what she meant.

"Yankumi! What are you doing?!" Kazama asked as she shake Yankumi.

Gokusen 4 BY dEEaNNa Where stories live. Discover now