Summer Trouble -Part 1-

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Yankumi stared at the beach ahead of hers and then she smiled. Well, that is because she used lots of efforts to chase Tetsu and Minoru from following. Well, if they foloowed, Yankumi would not have any peace and that might risk her true identity to be revealed. She smiled as she remembered how she chased Tetsu and Minoru from following her as this time, it is harder as even her henchmen were worried while her grandfather just smiled.


Yankumi tucked in the food that is being prepared specially by Tetsu as he had something that he wanted to ask Yankumi. Yankumi continued eating until Tetsu cleared his voice and caught her attention.

"Ehem..hem..." Tetsu cleared his voice as he tried to catch Yankumi's attention.

Well, Shin raised his left eyebrow as he questioned what Tetsu is going to do. Yankumi looked at Tetsu with a small smile on her face that made Tetsu hard to breathe.

"Nani Tetsu?" Yankumi asked as he looked at the bright, red face Tetsu that tried to avoid the gaze.

"Ano..ojou..summer.." Tetsu said and then Yankumi just smiled.

"Summer..ehk..talking about summer..I'll be going on my summer trip one day after Sawada.." Yankumi said and that make Tetsu heart stop.

Well, if this is cartoon, you can actually hear and see Tetsu's heart broken and then fall below into his stomach. Yankumi continued eating while Shin stare at her in disbelieved. His mind start to wonder who she is going with and where.

"Yankumi..who are you going with? Where to?" Shin asked as coolly as possible as he did not want to show that he is kind of worried, or jealous.

Yankumi looked at Shin weirdly and then answer, "Er..not sure"

Shin raisedhis left eyebrow again and act as if he did not care and continue to eat but deep in his heart, his heart is beating fast and non-stop. Yankumi looked at Shin weirdly and then she shrugged and continue eating. Minoru and Tetsu nudged and nudged each other and then at last, Tetsu had to say the thing he wanted to say.

"Ano..ojou..." Tetsu said and then Yankumi turned and looked at Tetsu.

"Nani?" Yankumi asked as she looked at Tetsu again.

"Erm..we will go with ojou to the beach!!" Tetsu exclaimed and then Yankumi just widen her eyes in surprise.

"NANI?!" Yankumi asked and then Minoru and Tetsu backed off again.

"Ojou..if you go alone, it will be aniki? boss?" Tetsu turned as he asked the other elder henchmen and Yankumi's ojiisan.

"Hai! Ojou! Let Tetsu and Minoru accompany you!" Wakamatsu said as he face Yankumi and bowed witg Tetsu and Minoru.

"IIE!! ATASHI DAIJOUBU!!" Yankumi shouted and then she stand up.

Shin just smiled. A smile of relieve. Well, maybe selfish of him but if he is not following Yankumi then nobody else shall follow Yankumi.

"OJOU!! OJOU!!" Tetsu, Minoru and Wakamatsu shouted but then Yankumi just walked up to her room.

-End of Flashback-

Yankumi smiled as she smelled the smell of salty sea water as she walked around looking for a comfortable shade. Well, like everybody else, Yankumi is in bikini. Well, she just bought it specially for this summer occasion. A black and red lacy type. Well, not Yankumi choose but Ami-chan, Kuma's wife as Yankumi had asked her for help.


"Ano..arigatou Ami-chan..." Yankumi smiled as she looked at Ami-chan.

"Erm..nande?" Ami-chan asked as she smiled looking at Yankumi as she holds onto bikini after bikini.

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