Anything For Her Precious Students

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Shin was so shocked at what Yankumi had said. Yankumi still was still looking for her handphone in her big messy bag when Takeda grabbed her bag to get her attention.

"Nani Takeda?" Yankumi asked Takeda as Takeda had that weird expression on his face.

"You just asked Shin-senpai to stay with you.. Do you realised that?" Ogata asked as they all looked at her curiously.

"Hai! I realised that! Then, nande? Anything wrong?" Yankumi answered and then tried to snatch her bag back when Takeda avoided.

"I'll help you look for it," Takeda answered and then Uchi stepped forward and help too.

"Iie..its just know..weird..." Kazama answered and then give that weird smile of his.

"So, Sawada, you want come and stay with me?" Yankumi asked again as she looked at Shin with her arms folded across her chest.

"Hai..I got no choice anyway..I don't want to go to my parents house..." Shin answered in a matter of fact way but in his heart that is only part of the answer.

The most exact answer will be that he would be able to stay with Yankumi and watched over her like her little guardian angle. Yankumi smiled and then turn to Uchi and Takeda who is still looking in her bag for her cell phone eventhough they had already emptied the bag.

"Uchi, Takeda, found it?" Yankumi asked as she advanced towards them.

"Iie..I think you lost it..." Takeda answered.

"Huh?! Lost it?! Arg!! Where could I have lost it?!" Yankumi exclaimed and started to panic.

Shin just shake his head slowly. He advanced towards her and then grabbed her wrist and then shocked everyone and Yankumi too.

"Yankumi, look there..." Shin said as he pointed down at her pocket.

Yankumi slowly put her hands in and then took out her cell phone. She smiled nervously towards Uchi and Takeda that just glare at her.

"Eh..found it..." Yankumi said softly and then get ready to run as Takeda and Uchi glared at her more intense now.

"YANKUMI!!" Uchi and Takeda shouted as they started to run after her.

Yankumi run as fast she can, leacing her bag behind. Shin helped her pack her bag while the rest waited for Shin. As soon as Shin finished, they all walked out together. Shin is carrying Yankumi's bag. Kuma, Noda and Minami knew how happy Shin is as he get to stay close to Yankumi but the rest was still shocked. Yabuki, Odagiri, Takeda, Ogata and Kazama knew somthing is not right.

"Shin-senpai, were you very close with Yankumi at first?" Ogata asked as he looked at the cold-character Shin.

Shin suddenly smiled and that shocked all his so-called juniors that just smiled back. He is not so cold-charcter after all.

"Iie..I was just like you guys. We don't trust teachers and we bullied every single one of them, especially guy teachers. They would entertain and respect those sexy teachers while I would usually sleep in class.." Shin said as he smiled remembering every single moment. "Well, Yankumi made me trust her after he helped Kuma and since then I had always notice difference in her and other teachers and that made me open my heart to her."

The rest smiled as they listened to Shin's story. They knew that Yankumi had always been there to help them and had akways trust them no matter what had happened. They soon reached Yankumi's home and was greeted by Yankumi's ojiisan. They greeted him back and excuse to go home as it is very late already. Shin walked into the house and was greeted by one of his love rival, Tetsu. Tetsu just smiled and then showed him his room. Tetsu then excused himself but whispered something that made Shin smiled.

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