You Don't Deserve To Live!! -Part 2-

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They soon arrives at the hospital and the doctors are soon rushing to attend to it in the opearation theatre. Honjo, his mother, Yankumi, Shin, Kazama and Ogata are all waiting at the operation theathre. Shinohara-san and Kashiwagi-san had arrived at the hospital to ask questions to Honjo and his mother. Yankumi didn't even talk to Shinohara-san and just stand at the corner with her fists clenched at her side as she tries to control the anger that is in her. She really thought that she had 'taken care' of those people last time but never did she knew that she was wrong. She blamed herself for this thing to happen. Shin, Ogata and Kazama saw Yankumi keeping quiet and distant from her usual self. For once, they couldn't figure out what she was thinking. Shinohara-san had enough statement from Honjo and his mother and thus ready to take leave.

"Ano..Yamaguchi-sensei.." Shinohara-san finally coughed out the words he wanted to say as he feel a bit frightened seeing her quiet self.

"Hai.." Yankumi answered with a small smile as she walked over to Shinohara-san.

"We had all the statements and evidence from Honjo and Kengo-san. We will try our very best to capture him as fast as possible," Shinohara-san said and then he bowed showing that he will leave now.

"Hai..arigatou.." Yankumi said and then she too bowed.

Right after they had left, Natsume-sensei came out of the operation theathre. They all rushed towards him as they are nervous to hear his reply.

"Sensei, how's my husband?" Mrs Kengo said as tears are flowing down her cheeks.

"Kengo-san, Honjo..We had try our very best demo..he is still in his crtical state. He lost too much blood during the attack and thus he is in a coma, critical state," Natsume-sensei said.

"Critical state?" Honjo asked slowly.

"Hai..Its means that anything can happened at anytime within this period..Gomennasai.." Natsume-sensei said as he bowed slightly showing his regrets of not being able to help much.

Yankumi, Honjo's okaasan, Shin, Kazama and Ogata bowed slowly in return. Soon, Honjo's father is pushed out on the hospital bed to the Intensive Care Ward. Yankumi, Shin, Kazama and Ogata followed the nurse to the Intensive Care Ward. Honjo's mother cried as she sees her husband in tubes running through his body. Yankumi held onto Honjo's mother as support until they reached the ward. One thing that they had all not realised is that Honjo is missing. Soon, they had arrived at the Intensive Care Ward.

"Ano..nurse..can I visit my husband now?" Mrs Kengo asked as she looked at the nurse with her red, puffy eyes.

"Hai, but not too many as he needs to rest due to still being in a critical state," the nurse said as she glanced over at the other four people behind Honjo's mother.

"Honjo, do you want to see your dad too?" Ogata asked as he turned around to look for Honjo but he wasn't there.

"Honjo.." Kazama called out as he too noticed that Honjo is missing.

Yankumi looked around and then something struck her.

"Don't tell me...." Yankumi muttered out and then she dashed out of the ward area, followed by Shin, Ogata and Kazama.
Honjo had rushed out of the hospital as soon as he heard his father's critical condition. He had to teach them a lesson as they had gotten his father in that condition. Honjo looked at the building he is standing in front off. He knew that he would be beaten up for sure but he couldn't let them off easily. He needs to make them pay for what they did. He took a deep breath and he ran in.

"HEY!!!" Honjo shouted as he rushed in and face the guys.

He saw the man that he wanted to kill. The man, however, did not seem to feel guilty, instead he is smiling.

Gokusen 4 BY dEEaNNa Where stories live. Discover now