You Don't Deserve To Live!! -Part 1-

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Yankumi snapped out of the shock and then frowned at Shin. Shin backed off a little as he thought of what was coming, maybe a few punches or a few kicks, he will never know.

"SAWADA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING CLOSE TO MY FACE? ARE YOU ABOUT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME?! I KNOW THAT IM..." Yankumi shouted half-way but then was shushed by Shin.

"SShhhh..Low down your voice.." Shin said in a low voice and that definitely shut Yankumi up. "Its accident ne.."

"Huh? Accident?" Yankumi asked as she stop frowning but looked at Shin intensely that made Shin moved slightly in his seat.

"You are dreaming and talking something in your dreams..I just wanted to wake you up as I can't sleep with your silly talking in sleep.." Shin said and then he stand up.

"Ehk..soka..." Yankumi said and then she looked down. "My first kiss is an accident..."

Shin heard Yankumi muttered something but he wasn't clear. Its something about first kiss.

" said something??" Shin asked as he looked at Yankumi.

"Ah..Iie..Just go and sleep..tomorrow we will have a long day..." Yankumi said and then she lay back on her bed and pretend to sleep by closing her eyes.

Shin just walk back to his bed and lay down on his bed. He looked at the ceiling and then turned to look at Yankumi. He felt pain when he had to say that it is just an accident. He know himself well that eventhough it is an accident, he really liked the feeling. Yankumi on the other hand is wondering why her heart feel slightly pain when Shin said that the kiss is actually an accident. She closed her eyes and slowly she drifted off to sleep. Shin on the other hand cannot sleep at all. He looked at Yankumi every now and then. Their short holidays just continues on without anymore trouble and they did manage to enjoy their last week of short holiday. 
School soon start as per normal. Yankumi stood outside the door of the classroom of 3D.

"School finally start..YEOSH!! FIGHT-OH!!" Yankumi said in excitement as she held her hands in the air and then she opened her classroom door.

The whole class of 3D looks like they are going to be dead in just a few minutes. Yankumi was shocked to see her students in such a tired condition even after the holiday. She walked towards the teacher's stand and then looked at each and everyone of them.

"Nande umaera? You looked like you are going to be dead in just a few minutes BUT you guys just had your holidays," Yankumi said as she walked towards the middle of the class with a worry face.

"Our holiday is not enough!!" Honjo shouted and then the rest start to bicker and make noise.

"EHK!!" Yankumi exclaimed. "Umaera..better wake up!! Later you guys make bad impression and then your summer holidays would go..." Yankumi was interupted when Kyoto-sensei and Yajima-sensei suddenly enter. "Kyoto-sensei!!"

"Yamaguchi-sensei, like I told the chairman but she would not believe me. Class 3D is useless and hopeless for the holidays! They wouldn't appreciate it!! They are rubbish!!" Kyoto-sensei exclaimed as he neared Yankumi.

Class 3D all stands up and was very pissed off with Kyoto-sensei and Yajima-sensei for keep calling them useless, hopeless and rubbish. They started to make extreme noises. Kuraki, Ichimura, Honjo and Kamiya closed up on Kyoto-sensei with angry and pissed off faces.

"Demo, Kyoto.." Yankumi was interupted by Kyoto-sensei.

"Like I said before, if anyone of them failed, they would all stay back during summer holidays!!" Kyoto-sensei shouted. "and that includes YOU, YAMAGUCHI-SENSEI!!"

Kyoto-sensei then leave the class with Yajima-sensei that keeps making those weird faces that he actually thought fierce. Yankumi turned to look at her class and then she sighed quietly.
"I really feel like hitting the stupid Kyoto and Yajima!" Kamiya exclaimed as he throw the darts.

"Ore mo!! (Me too!!)" Ichimura exclaimed too.

Kazama and Ogata just seat as they waits for their turns to throw the darts. The boys ae just sitting around and lazying around at their usual place that contains all they need. Kuraki and Honjo had came back with cups of hot noodles packed from the fast food stall near their hang out place. The other boys stop their game and quickly settle around the sofa and table that Kuraki and Honjo had placed their noodles. They are about to tug in when they heard a familiar voice.

"Young men eating just instant noodles are pathetic ne..." the voice said and the six boys just nodded their head.

They then realised that it is Yankumi that had appeared behind them.

"I already told you not to suddenly appear!!" Ogata exclaimed as he was shock just like the rest of them.

Yankumi just smile and then walked closer towards them. She eyed them and then to the left and then to the right. The boys just looked at her weirdly.

"Let's go!!" Yankumi exclaimed and that surprise the boys.

"HUH?!" the six boys all shouted in surprise.

"FASTER!!" Yankumi shouted as she pulled the closest one to her and that is Ichimura.

They all had no choice but leave their uneaten instant noodles and then follow Yankumi to somewhere. Soon they reached the place, Yankumi's house. They all looked at her and then around them as they enter slowly.

"Why did she brought us home?" Kuraki asked as he looked at the rest of the six boys for some answers after she had settled them at the eating table that they had once eaten a few months ago.

"Don't know.." Ogata answers and then they saw Shin.

Shin saw them and greeted them. He was not shock as Yankumi had text him about them coming. He sat at the middle of the table. He saw the worried and nervous faces of the six boys to why Yankumi had brought them back without any reason.

"Relax ne.." Shin said with a smile and then out come Minoru and Tetsu with dishes in their hands.

The aroma of foods really relax the six boys as they realised that Yankumi actually wanted them to have proper meals. Soon, all the dishes is ready and Yankumi sat at the other end of the table, opposite Shin. The ones eating are only the six boys and Shin as Minoru and Tetsu are soon gone after they set the table.

"Don't be shy ne!!" Yankumi exclaimed as they all tucked in.

"ITADAKIMASU!!" they all shouted and then they started to eat happily. "UMAI!!"

Yankumi and Shin watched them eat happily and then soon they finished eating, the boys decided to go home.

"Go home straight ne!!" Yankumi shouted.

"HAI!!" they shouted back and then waved goodbye.

Yankumi just smile as she looked at them slowly disappearing in the darkness. Shin smiled too as he watched Yankumi smiling.
The six boys when home straight and then they separate ways. Honjo reached home and then was shocked to see his house in a mess. He rushed in and then he saw his father in a pool of blood. He can't think of anything else but called Ogata.

"Yamato!! Oyaji..." Honjo said but the paused.

Ogata rushed over with Kazama since Kazama was with him. Kazama had called Yankumi that soon arrives with Shin. They saw Honjo's otousan in a pool of blood with the devastated Honjo at the side of his father. Kazama and Ogata helped to clear the mess while waiting for the ambulance as Shin had called earlier. Yankumi looked around the place and then she saw something small on the floor that is quite near to Honjo's otousan. Yankumi picked it up and read it with Kazama, Ogata, Shin and Honjo watching on her.

"This is for that time you refused to pay the 500 000yen you refused to pay that time," Yankumi read softly and then she crushed the small paper.

Yankumi clenched her fist as she is in rage. She can't believe that such despicable man existed in this world. Soon the ambulance arrives and they are on their way to Natsume General Hospital.

Gokusen 4 BY dEEaNNa Where stories live. Discover now