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Unknown POV

AUGUST 24th 2020 Hotel Valencia Santana Row

The way they both felt as they stood in front of each other was unlike anything they had ever felt. There was an energy between them that was longing to be pulled together until you didn't know where DJ stopped and Harry started. It had been over a month since they had seen each other and every day without the other knowing, longed to be in the other's arms. Standing in front of each other like this, neither of them remembered why they waited so long to come back to each other.

DJ, done with the anxieties she couldn't control and wanting nothing more than to be in control of her life again, left for Washington in hopes to finally make things right with Harry, but when she arrived at the location it was like her feet were planted to the ground. She figured her body knew best so she hopped on a plane without a word to Harry in hopes to try again in Oregon. But when her body once again prevented her from going to where she longed, she decided it was time to get someone else involved. Someone who would keep her accountable and someone who would make sure her new mission was accomplished. DJ texted George. She told him all about what had happened before and she told him that she was going to try again in San Jose.

George was glad to hear from her. He was even happier that she had decided to try and talk to Harry. He told her that he would make arrangements for her to stay in the same hotel as Harry and that he would let her know when they arrived after getting off the plane from Vancouver. He thought that maybe it would be easier for DJ to actually talk to Harry if she wasn't in a huge arena. DJ left Oregon and headed straight to San Jose. She spent the next few days while the tour was in Canada again, driving to her new destination. She enjoyed the drive there. The sights on the one-o-one made her long for the warm ocean water again. She spent the drive running the words that she wanted to say to Harry over and over again. DJ longed to turn back time and be with Harry in Canada, just one more time at least, if that was all she could have.

DJ wasn't sure why, if she longed so much for Harry, why she couldn't bring herself to Harry the two shows prior. Maybe it was the fear of rejection. Maybe it was the fear that it wouldn't matter what she changed, she would always be a terrified mess. She wasn't sure. She waited on her bed in her hotel room, in anticipation for Harry and George's arrival. George was to text her when they arrived. Meanwhile as DJ sat and waited, George and Harry were pulling up to the grand hotel.

George was very excited for this secret he was keeping. George wasn't often one for secrets, always feeling the truth was the best thing but this was different. He knew these two were meant to be together so anything he could do to make them happy, especially since they were the closest thing to kids as he was going to get. He wanted them to be happy. As George and Harry pulled up to the hotel he sent DJ a quick text asking if she was at the hotel. They were in the elevator when he received the reply confirming indeed she was. He texted her back letting her know Harry was on his way to his room, before he headed to his own, hoping that whatever was going to happen would be for the best.

DJ stood from her bed after receiving George's text, knowing by the time she made it upstairs Harry would have been long in his room. DJ realized George was right. It did seem easier to make her way to him when she wasn't in a crowded Arena, but her stomach continued to toss and turn, nervous for what was to come. DJ expected the nerves but what she didn't expect was for the call from Harry. As she answered the phone her voice shook. Not noticeable enough to the human ear and definitely not noticeable to Harry who was in shock on the other end from the fact that she actually answered the phone.

Harry and DJ talked, only getting a few pleasantries out before DJ was knocking on the door. From the inside of the room, Harry was happy to finally be hearing DJ's voice. He wasn't sure if he would hear it again and it felt like he was finally back where he was supposed to be. When the knock came ringing from the door Harry was upset at whoever was behind it. He hadn't expected DJ to answer the phone and he sure as heck didn't expect who was behind the door. As they both stood there staring at each other they both had the same feeling deep in their chest. They were both finally home.

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