Still Got Tonight

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A/N Get ready for a really long chapter in Harry's POV. I hope you enjoy it. I am sorry it took me so long to get this one out.


Harry's POV

    "Welcome back Harry," Debby said from the front desk as I walked into Full Stop Management. I was meeting with Jeff and the rest of the team, but I really wanted to be home with DJ. I was in shock when I found out about the baby but it didn't last long. My shock quickly turned to worry. In less than a year I went from worrying only about myself to worrying about the love of my life to worrying about an unborn child. But I wouldn't want to change it.

"Good to be back, Debby. Thank you," I said, nodding my head in her direction. "Jeff in his office?" I asked, pointing my finger in the direction of the room.

"Conference room, actually. They are all already in there and ready for you," she said, with a wide smile. I have been here for a little over five years but from the very beginning they all have always treated me like family, it was hard not to start to feel the same way about them.

"Thank you." I quickly moved towards the room where two of the walls were made from large glass windows. As I moved towards the door, I could see my whole team sitting at the table, one black chair at the head of the table waiting for me to fill it.

"Harry! Congratulations on the tour. It sounds like it all went swimmingly," Victor from PR said, as I walked in and made my way to my chair.  

"Thank you," I said, nodding my head in his direction, a wide smile on my face, "It went really well if I say so myself. I think the fans were all very happy with it."

"They were. And all of that stuff with, what was her name again? D-"

"DJ," Jeff and I both said, interrupting Victor.

"Yes of course. It was unplanned but brought a lot of press in your direction. You are lucky it worked out in your favor. We will have to see how the public likes her before we decide what story to tell them if this continues," Victor finished and I shook my head at him.

"DJ is real life. No stunts. No stunts where she is involved, victor. In fact, I'm done with your stunts," I said thinking back to many of the times I had to pretend I was with someone I wasn't or lie about someone I was with. I was done with games.

"Now Harry," Victor started but Jeff stopped him raising his hand in the air.

"You heard him, no games. Nothing but the truth from now on," he said. Jeffery and I sat down before the tour was over and I told him everything I was feeling and he agreed. If it wasn't real I wanted nothing to do with it anymore. DJ stepping out of her comfort zone to make her dreams come true made me realize I was done hiding behind what everyone expected me to be. Victor nodded, a scowl look, causing harsh lines across his face. "Now that that is settled, Harry, I spent all morning on the phone with Alessandro and they want you to star in an episode of their ten episode shorts that they are putting out." My eyes grew wide. Alessandro Michele the creative director for Gucci, and I had become very close the last few years as I became one of the faces of Gucci. This episode was huge. 

"Jeff that is amazing! When?" Jeff smiled, knowing I would be all in.

"You would need to be there this weekend and I thought we could take the opportunity to shoot the Golden music video as well. I already talked to the production team and I believe we could swing it."

"I would need to be there? Where are they shooting it?" I figured they would be shooting this here in LA.

"Italy. Same as all of the other shoots you have done." I shook my head. There was no question, this was an opportunity I would be turning down. DJ was pregnant. I wasn't flying anywhere without her and she was in no condition to be flying right now. 

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