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"So, I really don't know what to expect when we get in there, so please just take this as an overall warning," I said, nervous for Harry to meet most of my birth family.

"DJ quit apologizing for your family. You aren't them. I love you, no matter what, and... I'm a grown man. Whatever happens, happens. I can handle it. We all have a history." A huff came out of his mouth sending a stream of steam into the cold night.

"Still," I said rubbing my chilled hands together. Harry rolled his eyes. My grandmother's house was just a few houses down from my child at home- my mother just couldn't bear to leave her mom. A problem I didn't have. At least anymore. Harry grabbed my cold hands bringing them up to his mouth, blowing on them for warmth. I smiled at him as I continue to lead us to our new destination. Making it to my grandma sent a warning up my back as I saw all the cars in the drive. I wasn't ready for the bombarding of questions I was about to be swarmed with. At least for the first Christmas ever, I wouldn't be showing up alone. I was finally bringing someone home to meet everyone. And I was nothing but grateful for this man. For his love and his support. And of course, his warmth.

"You're OK. Just breathe." He demonstrated a long deep breath and long exhale. I followed his lead making my smile wider to hide that his efforts were in vain. No way was it going to be OK. We made it to the front door, and I was glad to be getting out of the cold, but I was trying to pretend we were walking into our warm LA home. I was still reeling from my moment back in my bedroom, five minutes wasn't long enough.

"I don't want to tell anyone tonight," I whispered to Harry as we began taking our shoes off. I stopped turning to talk to Harry before anyone found us.

"OK, but you aren't getting out of telling your parents before we go home," Harry said in a stern voice, I've only ever heard a few times and I knew I wasn't getting out of it this week. But I knew he knew I wouldn't give up the fight.

"Fine! Fine!" I said throwing my hands up in surrender.

"DJ! Is that you?" I could hear my aunt Carol yell from the kitchen. I took Harry by the hand, and once again he squeezed it feeling me with enough confidence to pull us forward.

"Hey hello!" I yelled back as we came to find a large group of my family squeezed into the small room.

"DJ!" Many voices said at the same time. I felt many arms coming around me. I squirmed, scared they would feel my shape and guess what was going on. I laughed play myself from the grip of my two favorite cousins- Bailey and McKenna- the twins.

"Hey, guys! How are you?" I asked everyone, but these two mostly. I swallowed down my nerves and I felt Harry put a reassuring hand on my back.

"How are we? How are you? Are you going to introduce us?" Bailey asked motioning to Harry. I glanced at McKenna and her eyes were squinted at me.

"Yes, yes of course." I shook the thoughts out of my head, and I turned so I was now standing behind Harry, placing my hands on his back, and shoving him forward. "Everyone this is my boyfriend. Harry Styles." As soon as I said his name it was like I open the floodgates. The crowd in the kitchen all began to throw arms and hands his way. Hugs, handshakes, and names were being flung at him from all sides. A smile was on his face, excepting in applying to everyone. I knew this was something he was used to, but I didn't think he needed this from the females in my family. "Guys, please! I would like him to still be alive after this." Everyone took two steps back to give Harry some breathing room and my grandma chuckled.

"Well dear, you were taking too long to introduce us."

"Grams!" I moved around the built-in table to wrap my now visible Grandmother in my arms. "Well, you all flipped out the minute I said his name. You didn't give me a chance." I pulled back from her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "I missed you," I said to her. My mom's mom was always there for me, and I loved how carefree she always was. Never judging always loving.

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