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October 29th, 2020

"I'm not wearing that," Harry said, shaking his head at the picture I had just texted him from where I sat on the opposite side of the couch, his guitar resting on his lap, papers scattered across the coffee table, Harry Potter, muted on the tv for the four hundredth time this week.

"Sarah expects us to dress up," I said to Harry. It had been over a month since Italy, Harry's song with Cam was about to be released, and Harry had been filming for the new movie he would be starring in Don't Worry Darling, for the last few weeks.

"Sarah knows how I feel about Halloween," Harry argued back. Sarah was throwing a Halloween party for the band and friends before Harry was too busy to see anyone for a while. He and Jeff in the works trying to get Harry hired on more movies, and all.

"You know how I feel about Halloween," I said, my eyes narrowing at Harry. He knew how I loved Halloween, how it was my favorite holiday, and how I always longed to do a couples costume with someone. I knew Harry didn't like Halloween very much but he has dressed up before.

"Sunny..." Harry groaned but I just kept my eyes on him, showing him I would not surrender. "If we do these costumes, Mitch will have something to hold over me forever. Forever baby." Harry began to pout, his eyes becoming soft. He knew how to get to me.

"Because you'll be dressed up?"

"No, because I'll be dressed up with clown makeup on." I rolled my eyes. It was Halloween.

"Fine. I'll dress up as It. You can be Georgie. Besides I loved you in that yellow rain hat that you wore in Italy." I wiggled my eyebrows up and down at him, an automatic grinning coming to his face.

"Is that right?" Harry picked up his guitar, setting it to the side and standing up to move to meet me on the other side. "You like the yellow hat do you?" Harry put his hands on the couch behind both of my shoulders so he was leaning over me, his face coming closer and closer to mine.

"Mhhm," I voiced, nodding my head, my eyes fluttering closed the closer he got. I could feel him hovering above me, right before his lips met mine. As soon as his lips met mine he brought his hands from the back of the couch bringing one to rest on my cheek, and the other one to my belly. A sharp feeling hit my belly but I ignored it, not wanting our kiss to end. I had been having small sharp feelings all day, but since they didn't necessarily hurt, I thought nothing of it, but this time Harry pulled away.

"DJ? What was that?" Harry asked, his eyes wide. I followed his eyes to my stomach.

"I'm not sure. It has been happening all day. Wait, you could feel it too?" I asked, my hand coming to sit next to his on my stomach. When the feeling happened again, I too could feel it on my hand and not just in my body.

"Baby. That was a kick," Harry said excitedly, a smile growing on his face. "I want to feel it again."

"Well it has been super random but maybe you can make her do it again." Harry rolled his eyes at the mention of "her", as he stepped back so he was standing straight up again.

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Play me some of whatever you are working on over there," I said pointing to the scattered papers.

"Hmm, okay okay." Harry made his way back around the couch, sitting down and picking up his guitar from where he left it. His fingers began to pluck the strings and soon he began to strum, his vocals coming in shortly after.

"I remember the first night that she said 'Oh, maybe I can't do this on my own,'" he sang out. His fingers continued to strum as he looked up at me.

"And despite all the reassurances and reoccurrences, you will not be alone." He continued to play as I could feel the banana-sized child begin to move around my womb, once again. I stood, quickly moving to sit closer to Harry, my hand feeling the kicks.

"And I know that you're holding out for better weather

And I can't promise you that I'll be round forever

If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together

If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together." Harry stopped strumming, putting the guitar down and moving closer to me to lay his hand on the baby, but he continued singing, just staring into my eyes.

"And I will try to hold you up through those times when you are gone

Despite the weather, it gets better

You won't do this alone"

I continued to stare back at him, even after he finished singing, knowing he was singing every word right to me.

"And what are you going to call this one?" I asked him. Harry moved his gaze from me to the silent tv.

"I was thinking Voldemort," he said, shrugging at one of my favorite movies. 


I know these last two chapters have been fairly short but the next couple of chapters are going to be fairly large so get ready! ((: 

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