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A/N I'm sorry it's been so long. I was once again broken from my writers block and hopefully will be finishing this book up. I can't wait for you guys to see what is to come. What do you think will happen.

Also warning. This chapter does contain some slight smut. I know we have kinda only dipped our toe into steamy parts, through the two books but we are going a little further know. Testing more water. 😬 I hope it's okay.

December 22nd, 2020

"Babe, I'm not sure this was the best idea." I looked up from where my hands were twisted together in my lap. I was frozen. The sky was darkening as the temperature outside was continuing to drop into the Colorado winter night. The view of my parents' house through the car window gave me toxic flashbacks. As my eyes bore into Harry begging him to turn the key, drive the car -slowly, of course, the roads were starting to freeze over again in the cold, and we had precious cargo in here- back to the car rental place and we could fly back home. No game, no foul. But I knew Harry wouldn't give in. If the look on his face wasn't enough the "No" coming out of his mouth was for sure.

"Love, all will be fine. Besides, I'm here and in a few days my mother and Gem will be here too. They can't wait to meet you. They love you already, you know that. Family at first sight. Right?" Harry's eyes softened, trying to make me crack but I wasn't going down that easy.

"Shut up. You won't convince me to go in there." I crossed my arms over my chest, tensing up and staring at the snow covered ground outside the car window.

"Baby," Harry's hand came to my right arm, gently taking it and releasing my arm from around me, gently pulling me to face him, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" He was completely soft. Honest. I felt safe.

"There is still so much that you don't know. A lot of things that aren't real to you yet. Because we've known each other for such a short time... It  it... has all moved so fast. And that is fine... I love you..u. I love us. I love wh...where we are. I just mean th...that..." Harry's hand quickly came to my face, as I began to stutter over my words. He knew I was losing it.

"DJ, shh, slow down. Breathe. You know I feel the same way. Just breathe and tell me what you want to tell me. You don't have to leave this car until you're ready and I'm not going anywhere." I nodded my head, closing my eyes and gathering myself. I took a deep breath through my nose and pushed it out of my mouth.

"To tell you everything. Get over all of my walls and tell you everything that has ever happened because of me or to me, would take hours, days. I just love being with you and if you feel the same way as me. Well, well, well... Then I'm assuming we will be together for a very long time and I will have time to tell you everything and- and, in my own time. And it isn't because I don't trust you, I do, It's... It's just that..." I was saying a lot in such a short amount of time. I couldn't stop talking. It just all came falling out. I didn't know how to be normal.

"DJ, Baby, calm down, I know, I know. We have talked about this before. You know how I feel." Harry's arms came around me, pulling me into him. "You can always take your time. As far as I feel, Baby," Harry pushed me away from him, his eyes finding mine, "We've got forever. Simple as can be." My heart began to go even faster than it already was from all of the anxiety, I nodded my head in agreement, it was weird, but I knew he was my forever. "Now tell me what are you scared of?"

"I'm scared for you to meet my mom. She's kind of a lot. And I don't know what she'll say. I just have to apologize to you in advance," I said frantically.

"Don't worry about that, DJ. It isn't your problem to apologize for and besides that, parents love me," Harry said with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head with a smile coming to my face.  

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