Cupid's Chokehold

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I fell into a deep dark hole. I had no idea what I had done or how to get back from it but I did something bad and I had to figure out how to escape. As Harry slept in the bed next to me, my brain started thinking about the people on the balcony I noticed that afternoon. They all saw me. Since my previous tabloid issues, I stopped. I stopped looking, but for some reason, lying there in the dark I couldn't help but reach my hand over unplugging my phone and bringing the blankets up and over my head so that my phone light didn't wake up Harry. As I pulled up the google search bar I wasn't even sure what to type in, so I typed the most obvious thing.

Harry Styles. About 275,000,000 results.

"Great," I said, forgetting I was trying not to wake Harry. I quickly flung my hand to my mouth scanning my eyes over the body I could see laying perfectly still- still sleeping- under the blanket. I sighed, turning my gaze back to my phone. The first result I saw was Harry's website and his Wikipedia page. That wasn't exactly what I was looking for so I continued scrolling. The next thing I saw was a Twitter link.

#RUMOR| Harry is currently filming something in Naples!

I quickly clicked on the link, opening a Harry Styles Updates page. There were three pictures present. One of a light blue Vespa and two others talked about Harry landing in Italy and him doing a mysterious shoot but some of the information was redacted. It was all very top-secret, as to not spill what he was doing.

I continued to scroll, reading the comments from Harry's fans. I clicked the search bar of Twitter and repeated what I did on the google search. I typed Harry Styles and hit enter. There were so many results and as I began to scroll I began to fall into a rabbit hole of sorts. I read everything I could. People loved him. There were posts about his music, posts about the way he looked, posts about fanfiction. Coming to a post about fanfiction called Duplicity, that everyone seemed to really love, I saved the link. Knowing I would probably regret that later, I continued my scroll. There didn't seem to be anything about me which I was really grateful for. Then I saw it.

The angle was perfect. Right from where I noticed them. It was a picture taken from the balcony. You couldn't really make out my face, since Harry was standing in front of me, but I knew it was me. His hand was on my belly, but I was glad it looked like it was just on my hip. I ripped my eyes from the picture so that I could read the caption.

Harry on the set of his mysterious shoot with who we suspect to be DJ CRIST.

I didn't really know what the public knew about our relationship and I hadn't cared to ask Harry. It wasn't about them. It was only about Harry and me. It was our lives and deep down I really hated that millions of people knew about them and decided it was okay to have opinions on them but that was the life. I couldn't bear to look at the comments that went along with this post but I couldn't help myself. I needed to know.

What is he doing?


Who is she?

Why is he holding her like that?

Are they together? Does anyone know yet?

I'm calling it now. He's filming a MV for Golden and she's in it.

How long have they known each other?

Hate her.

Lucky Bitch.

He is so hot.

I rolled my eyes, trying not to let anything being said to get to me. It didn't matter what anyone else said. They didn't know me. I pushed away from the post and quickly clicked on the link I saved. I needed a distraction and I was squirming to find out what these fanfiction writings were like anymore. I had read and funnily enough wrote them back when I was younger, but they were always so cheesy and dumb. I wondered if they were the same thing I remembered from my childhood.

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