Chapter 2: First Date

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I felt a rush of warmth to my face as I blushed at his cheesy words. My nose scrunched up as I smiled and replied, "I'm sure you use that line on all the women you take out."

He smiled and tilted his head with a smirk and took a sip of water from his glass. "To be honest, I haven't been on a date in quite a while, work tends to keep me pretty busy."

"So what changed your mind this time," I asked as the waiter came up and interrupted us.

"Here's our menu tonight. Lobster and a wagyu in a shallot red wine reduction are our specials tonight. Can I get you a drink to get you started," the waiter asked as he placed the menu in front of us.

I bit my lip anxiously, and began to pick at the nail beds of my fingers a terrible habit I had done since childhood when I felt nervous or anxious. I didn't drink much or often and had no idea what to get. Luckily, Liam came to my rescue, "We'll have your best Bordeaux please."

"Of course. Excellent choice," the waiter said with a smile that clearly indicated that Liam's choice was an expensive one. "I'll be right back," and with that he scurried away.

"As I was saying," Liam said jumping right back into our conversation the waiter had interrupted, "You my dear, are perfection and I would have been a fool not to ask you out."

I chuckled at his response, "I am not perfect."

"You look pretty perfect to me," Liam says as he leans in. "Trust me, I work in plastic surgery. You have no idea how many women try to achieve what you have naturally. You're gorgeous Evie," he said sending me another one of his perfect smiles. I felt my face warm up again at his words.

Wanting the pressure off of talking about me I asked, "So what made you get into plastic surgery?"

"Well, I always knew I wanted to be a doctor," Liam began. "I decided to specialize in plastic surgery, specifically in facial reconstruction after my younger sister was hit by a drunk driver."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," I said quickly, "that's terrible."

"It was. She was nearly unrecognizable. She probably honestly shouldn't have survived the crash. The doctors that fixed her were amazing. She came out of it looking like her again and I was in awe of it. The idea that someone can take something that was destroyed and put it back together again and give it life again was something I decided I had to do. I didn't chose it, it chose me," he said as the waiter came back with the wine and filled out glasses.

"So sorry to interrupt, have you made your dinner selection for tonight," he asked.

Liam motioned for me to order. I realized I hadn't even looked at the menu yet, so I went with the wagyu steak the waiter had mentioned was the special. I felt it was a good choice after Liam ordered the same. We handed the menus back to the waiter who thanked us and left to put in our order.

Liam and I lifted our wine glasses at the same time which caused us to both smile and laugh.

The wine was amazing, and I bet it came with an amazing price tag too, I tried not to think about it too much as I took another drink. I would not let my anxiety ruin my night.

"What about you, what got you into law school," Liam asked, placing his glass down.

"Oh gosh," I said rolling my eyes. "Honestly, nothing as impressive as you. My dad is a layer, my mom is a lawyer, so I think I pretty much got pressured into it," I said taking another drink. My brain whispered in the background slow down.

"So is it their law firm that you work for," he asked.

"Oh no definitely not," shaking my head horrified at the thought. "I could never work for them. My dad and I are too similar. We constantly butt heads. Our view points on critical things and cases are completely different. My mom is easier to tolerate, but she is one of the most unorganized people I know. I would not be able to stay in her office for more than an hour. A pile of something would likely crush me before I could escape."

"Beautiful, smart, funny, how on Earth are you single," he asked causing me to blush for probably the millionth time it felt like.

I bit my lip, before taking another drink. "If you are trying to win some points it's working."

"How many points then till I win," he asked taking a sip and smirking at me. A few small wisps of his gelled blonde hair moving slight over his forehead.

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. "It's hard to say, you'll just have to wait and see."

He nodded at me before leaning in and continue to smile that grin of challenge is on and said, "You just wait and see, it'll happen I guarantee it. What do I get if I win though," he asked putting his hand under his chin to look deep in thought.

"What do you want," I asked with a laugh.

He waited for a moment and stared at me deeply before saying, "You."


"Me," she said giggling with her hand on her perfect fully formed large chest. If only she knew she'd be mine regardless, she really had no choice in the matter.

"Yes, you. You have to go on another date with me at my choosing of when and where."

"Deal," she said holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Deal," I said taking it and instead of shaking it placing a kiss on her perfect golden skin.

Her face lit up red for about the sixth or seventh time that night. I loved the effect I had on her.

Soon our food came and we continued our conversation. She shared with me how she knew her roommate from childhood and how they both were in Chicago pursing their career. She let me know she was an only child and that due to that one of her favorite things in life was to read, because the characters to her sometimes felt like the siblings she never had. I let her continue to talk and talk, taking in everything she said and storing it for later use. I tried to keep the facts I told about myself short and to the point. There were many things she did not need to know about me yet, she only needed to knew the things that would allow me to call her mine, and I do hoped that I'd be able to have her want that willingly, but either way she would be mine.

I noticed as the night went on her guard dropped more and more. The alcohol clearly taking affect on her, which for me was perfect for what I was planning for us next.

"I'll be right back," she said and headed off to the restroom.

Perfect, I mouth as I watched her round ass move back and forth under the tight dress I was itching to get off of her.

I reached down in my pocket and pulled out the small vile of smashed pills and discreetly placed them in her drink. I poured more wine in and swirled it around to hide any evidence of what I had done.

She soon came back and took a sip of wine once more as the waiter came to take our desert order. She nearly cheered when her cheesecake came to the table. I stared at her in awe as she devoured each bit like it was the best thing she had ever eaten.

Soon the waiter came with the check. I came along to the side of her chair and pulled it out for her and took her hand to help her up. She stumbled forward into me and swing my hand around her back and waist to steady her.

He face flushed in embarrassment as she uttered, "I'm so sorry," as she looked up at me with her wide doe eyes. They had begun to get a glassy appearance to them, but all I could see were those perfect green orbs underneath it.

I smiled down at her as my thumb stroked her side. I wanted nothing more than to touch every inch of her, but I knew I had to wait and held myself back. "Want to get her out of here," I asked.

She bit her lower lip, which drove me wild, making it ever harder to not take her now. She nodded up at me. "Yes," and with that simple word I knew that everything I wanted was now just a step closer after tonight.

What an amazing/alarming first date!
What do you think will happen next?

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