Chapter 19 - Tamaki's stupid dream

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Your POV

I wake up next to Kyoya as I usually do. I decide to get ready for school and let Kyoya sleep a bit longer. I get dressed, and as soon as I step into the room, Kyoya's cell phone rings. He wakes up and answers the phone.

"What do you want?...okay... Why are you so worked up over a stupid dream... whatever, I'll put something together... alright, bye." Kyoya mutters into the phone.

He gets up as I leave the room. After a few minutes, he joins me down in the dining room. We eat breakfast and leave for school shortly afterwards. On our way to school, I ask Kyoya what Tamaki had said.

"He was telling me about this stupid dream he had where Haruhi and her father were living in a small wooden shed. He freaked out and requested me to take everyone over as soon as possible." He explains.

"I see. Could you do me a favor today?" I ask.

"Of course, anything." He says.

"Can you please try to stay as cheerful as you can? You're more attractive when you smile." I say.

"I'll try my best." He smiles.

"Thanks, Kyoya. You know, you don't have to do everything he tells you to. He's only the president of the club, not your full time boss." I look up at him.

"I'll keep that in mind then." He says.

We get to school and go to our classes. My day is normal, even all the glares I get for dating Kyoya. It's unusual if no one glares at me at all. Finally, after another school day of stares and glares, it's time to go to the club. When I get there, no one else is there. Not even Kyoya. I sit at Kyoya's table and wait. After a few minutes, Kyoya walks in and sits down across from me.

"You're never this late, what happened?" I ask him.

"I'm not late, you're just really early. How are you so early?" Kyoya asks.

"I guess the teacher let us out early, but I didn't realize it. So maybe I didn't know what time it was." I answer.

"Alright, I can see that. Except, that your last period teacher never let's you out early not even for special occasions." Kyoya says.

"I guess I don't understand." I say.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Kyoya says.

We wait for everyone else to get there. When they do, we all talk until the guests arrive.

"Hey, Tamaki?" I say.

"What is it, (y/n)?" He answers in his usual charming voice, which earned a glare from Kyoya.

"Um, why do you want to go to Haruhi's house?" I ask.

"I want to make sure she doesn't live in a run down shed." He responds with a serious face.

"I can assure you, she doesn't. If she lived in a run down shed, she wouldn't have a shower. If she didn't have a shower, how would she come to school looking so sparkly?" I say.

This put an image in Tamaki's head, causing him to blush a dark shade of red. I laugh at his expression.

"I hope Haruhi didn't hear this conversation." Tamaki says.

"Hear what conversation?" I ask in a good impression of Haruhi's voice.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki shouts and turns around looking for her.

"Yes, Tamaki?" Haruhi asks from across the room.

"He had something to ask you." I say.

"Okay, what is it?" Haruhi asks.

"I don't have any questions." He says, panicked.

"Yes he does, he just didn't want to ask you directly." I say trying not to laugh.

"Okay, you ask it then (y/n)." Haruhi says.

"No, it's okay, no one has to ask any questions." Tamaki says trying to stop me.

"Okay," I say ignoring Tamaki. "Tamaki wanted to know if you lived in a run down shed. He also wanted to know if he could visit you sometime." I say and Tamaki just passes out.

"Um, I don't live in a run down shed. And no, he can't visit me. Dad wouldn't like it." Haruhi responds.

I just burst out laughing. The twins, who were obviously eavesdropping, also burst out laughing.

"I don't get what's so funny.." Haruhi says.

"Tamaki didn't want those questions asked, but oh well. At least it wasnt to embarrassing for him. He'll be over it in a few seconds anyways." I say, when I finish laughing.

After another few minutes, some guests walk in. To my surprise, a few of them were guys.

"Um, are these guys gay or something?" I ask.

"No. As much as I hate this situation, there here to request you today." Kyoya says.

"Aw, Kyoya. It's okay, there's no need to be jealous." I tease.

"I'm not jealous, I just.. um.." He cuts off.

"Yeah, I knew you were jealous. There isn't any reason for you to be jealous. You are my lover, not any of them." I say.

"You're right. But I'm still going to glare at them from a distance, watching to make sure they don't do anything to you." He says.

"Okay, knock yourself out. I gotta go fill requests. Love you." I say, kissing him on the cheek.

I walk over to my own table area and sit down across from a few guys in a higher grade than me.

"Just letting you know in advance, a few warnings. I'm sure you've heard of Mitsukuni Haninozuka?" I say.

"Of course! We also know of Takashi Morinozuka." One says.

"Mitsukuni is my brother, making Takashi my cousin. So, I don't want to intimidate anyone, but if you try anything, my brother and cousin will personally make sure you will not see another day. If you live through my overly protective boyfriend of course." I say as nicely as I can without scaring them.

"O-oh, y-yeah, out-of course! No trying anything. Got it." They say.

A few seconds later, we start having a conversation. Asking questions and all that. Eventually, the end of the day comes, and I sit there waving to the guys I had hosted.

"Sounded like a nice conversation you guys were having." Kyoya says, standing behind me.

I jump, not expecting him to have snuck up on me and back hand him hard. When I realize I just hit Kyoya, I immediately apologize to him. He tells me its okay, and I help him back up.

We say goodbye to the other hosts and walk down to the limo. We get in and sit there for a minute in silence. I look at Kyoya and notice he's writing in his notebook again. I still wonder what's inside.

"Hey, Kyoya.?" I ask.

"Hm?" He responds.

"We're going to Haruhi's house with the other hosts tomorrow, aren't we." I ask.

"Definitely. If we don't, Tamaki will probably kick me out of the club." He chuckles.

"Haha, very funny. We both know Tamaki is too dumb to even think about doing that. But at least if he'd did, we would have a lot more free time together." I say.

Kyoya just looks at me and smiles. I smile back and rest my head on his shoulder.

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