Chapter 13 - Mr. Ootori

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Kyoya POV

We pull up to the mansion and walk in. Father is standing nearby, giving orders to a maid.

"Good evening, father." I say.

"So you finally decide to come home? Where have you been these past few nights?" he asks completely unaware of (y/n).

"Well--" I start.

"Who is this Kyoya?" he cuts me off.

"Hello, Mr. Ootori. My name is
(y/n) Haninozuka. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." she introduces herself.

"How do you know my son?" Father asks.

"Father, (y/n) is my girlfriend."

"Is she? How brave. You said Haninozuka?" he asks her.

"Yes sir. I am Mitsukuni Haninozuka's younger sister." she responds.

"Can you fight?" he asks.

"Yes sir. Black belt in a few different martial arts." she answers.

"Forgive me for all of these questions miss Haninozuka. Please, come have a seat." he says

"Yes, sir." we walk to the table and sit down.

"How long has it been since you started dating?" he asks

"Almost a month." I say.

"So why haven't you told me until now?"

"We weren't ready yet. (y/n) only told her mother last night." I tell him.

"How serious are you?"

"We are serious, but we aren't that far." I say.

"I see, well, I would like to know more about her." he says.

"Can she stay for dinner?" I ask.

"That's not a bad idea, but as soon as we finish, she is to go home. You are to stay here for further questioning." he responds.

"Yes father." I say.

He asks (y/n) what she wants for dinner. She tells him she wants ramen. He tells a maid who works in the kitchen to cook ramen for dinner.

While we wait, father asks (y/n) about her interests and hobbies. I learned more about her as well. I never knew she could draw. With each new thing I learn about her, I fall deeper in love. With her beautiful (e/c) eyes and amazing personality. It's like I'm falling into a bottomless pit that I will never want to climb out of.

Ramen stops my train of thoughts and I start eating. We all eat in quiet. When we finish, father sends (y/n) home in a limo. When she is out of view, father and I go back inside so we can talk.

"Father, what do you think about (y/n)?" I'm scared of his answer.

"I think you made the right choice in woman." with that, he walks away.

I'm shocked from his answer. He likes her? He said I made the right choice. I smile to myself. I go to my room and go to bed, still surprised from his answer.

I wake up and get ready for school. I pick up (y/n), Honey, and Mori. My day is just as usual. I go through my classes with ease. Then I go to the club room with an idea of mine.

In celebration of father's approval, I will take (y/n) to a water park my family is working on. The rest of the hosts will want to join too.

"Good afternoon everyone." I say after walking through the door.

I see (y/n) isn't here yet, so I take this opportunity to explain my idea to the other hosts. They all like the idea and we decide to do it.

(y/n) walks in and greets everyone. I pull her aside and tell her what father said last night. She gasps excitedly and jumps at me. I tell her that I have a surprise for her tomorrow. She smiles and tells me she can't wait.

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