Chapter 7 - Pizza is the best food!

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Kyoya's POV

"Ready to go?" (y/n) asks me.

"Yep, let's go!" I respond.

"Where are we going to eat?" Honey asks

"I have an idea.." I say.

"What is it Kyo-chan?" Honey aaks. He looks at me with his adorable little face.

"We should go to Pizza Hut. I hear it's very popular with the commoners." I answer.

"What's pizza hat?" he asks as we get into a limo.

"It's where commoners go to get a very popular food called pizza." I respond to him.

"I can't wait to try it! It sounds delicious!" (y/n) says. She's cute when she's excited.

When we get there, everyone there sees us and knows we are rich people. A few even know who Honey is. I see a guy staring at (y/n). I send him a 'back off she's taken look' but he walks over anyways.

Your POV

"Damn girl!" he says then throws the cheesiest pick up line "Are you a parking ticket? Because you got 'fine' written all over you"

That hurt me to write way more than it hurt you to see..

"Boy, I'm so expensive, a commoner like you couldn't pay me off." I say. Kyoya and Mitsu laugh.

"You're funny. Commoner you say? Me? What gives you that right to call your own kind 'commoner'?" he responds.

"Excuse me sir, what is your name?" Kyoya asks.

"Like I would tell you. I'm not telling you anything until I get this girl's number." he says.

"Okay, how about this? You give me your number and I will call you later." I say.

"Okay." he says and gives me his number.

"I will need a name for your contact." I say

"My name is Kiyado Nokasai." he says.

"Just a quick question. Have you heard of the Haninozukas?" Kyoya asks.

"Of course I do. Mitsukuni may look like a small child but he can kill if necessary. I know more about him than anyone in this restaurant."

"I doubt that. But let's prove it," Kyoya says. "What is his favorite item?"

"His trophies. Duh." we stare at him for one second and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asks

"Oh nothing. Next question. What is Mitsukuni's favorite flavor of cake?" Kyoya says.

"Trick question. He doesn't like cake."

We just stare at him because he's stupid.

"Okay, final question. Mitsukuni is a member of a host club at Ouran academy. True or false."

"False. Mitsukuni is not a sissy."

"Okay, your results. 0/3" Kyoya says. "Here are the correct answers. First, his favorite item is a stuffed bunny his late grandmother made for him. Second, his favorite flavor of cake is chocolate. Finally, three, is true."

"What?" Kiyodo says in disbelief. "How would you know?"

"I have one final question. If I were to tell you that Mitsukuni is in this restaurant, would you believe me?" Kyoya asks.

"No, I wouldn't." he responds.

"Well I'm going to tell you that you just failed a test about someone you claim to know everything about, in front of that person the test was about." Kyoya states.

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