Chapter 4 - Dinner at the Haninozuka's

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Kyoya's POV

A woman answered the door before (y/n) could open it.

"(y/n)?" she asks.

"Hi mom." (y/n) responds.

All of a sudden the woman -- Mrs. Haninozuka -- hugs (y/n).

"I missed you (y/n)." then she noticed me.

"Oh, who is this handsome young man?" she asks

"I'm sorry Kyoya." (y/n) says

"No worries. Hello Mrs. Haninozuka. My name is Kyoya Ootori. I go to school with Mitsukuni and (y/n)." he bows to Mrs. Haninozuka.

"Why, what a well mannered young man! (y/n), why don't you invite this lovely young man inside?" she brightens up even more -- if that was even possible.

"Okay, Mother. Kyoya would you like to come inside?" she send me an apologetic look.

"I would hate to be a bother ma'am." I respond.

"Nonsense! Please, come in, I insist!" I have no choice but to obey.

Your POV

Mom invites Kyoya into our house. I have never been so embarrased in my life.

"Are you two dating?" it just got ten times worse.

"Mom!" I shout. Big mistake. Mitsukuni walks out of his room salty from being woken from his sleep. He looks at me, then mom then Kyoya.

"Is it dinner time?" he asks.

"Not quite. Mitsukuni." Mom responds. He walks over to the living room where we are sitting.

"Hello Kyo-chan. Hey (n/n)-chan, where did you get that necklace?"

"I'm surprised you noticed Mitsu. Kyoya bought it for me from a commoners stand on our walk."

The necklace has two dragons in the shape of a yin yang. One was painted red with a blue gem. The other was a blue dragon with a red gem.

"Mrs. Haninozuka, Mitsukuni, (y/n), and guest. Dinner is served. We all head over to the dining room except for Kyoya who called home to tell them he was okay and having dinner at a friend's house. He shortly joined us and sat down next to me. I blushed and mom noticed.

"You never did tell me if you are dating?" Mitsukuni looks up intrigued.

"No. Not yet. We are working up to that." Kyoya responds. I blush furiously. Mitsukuni just got this evil look on his face. I immediately stood up.

"Mitsukuni! Don't you dare even think about telling Tamaki or those shady twins!" I feel someone pick me up. He turns me around.

"Calm." Takashi says. I can tell Kyoya is getting jealous. He just doesn't show it. I sit down and lay my head on Kyoya, comforting him. He needed it.

Kyoya and I ate something different. I had ramen, Kyoya had sushi. Everyone else had curry. There wasn't enough curry for Kyoya and I. That's why we had different food. After dinner the chefs bring out a lemon cake.
It wasn't big or fancy or anything like that. I managed to convince Kyoya to try it. He enjoyed it as it wasn't very sweet.

After dinner, Kyoya had tried to call one of his family limos but they were asleep. Every limo driver here was off, and there was no way I was letting him pay for a ride home. He already used too much money today. The boat rental was 100,000 yen for the hour, then my necklace which wasn't as bad. He spoiled me today, now it's my turn. I asked mom if he could stay in a guest room. Of course she said he could.

Kyoya's POV

"Are you comfortable Kyoya?" (y/n) asks.

"Very comfortable." I respond. She sits on the guest bed. "Thank you. I have been really stubborn today. I'm glad I had you to insist me to do things." I apologised. (y/n) looked into my eyes. We just sat there looking at each other for a minute.

Should I go for it?

I start to lean in. She does too. We close our eyes and I kiss her softly and she kisses me back. All of a sudden I sense a flash of light. I decide to ignore it and pretend it didn't happen as we sit there delicately pressing our lips together.

Mitsukini's POV

I don't know how, but when I got that picture the flash was on. Kyo-chan obviously knew it happened. I went to use the bathroom. When I came out, I checked (n/n)-chan's room to see if she was there. She wasn't. Good. That meant Kyo-chan was still with her in his room. I headed to the dark room to develop the film but was met by Kyo-chan.

"Ah, Mitsukuni. I had a feeling you were going to stop by this room."

"Wha? But how? You were-"

"No, I wasn't in the guest room when you checked her room. She was in the guest room. And she's waiting for me. Give me the camera Mitsukuni."

I had no choice but to hand it over.

"Thank you, Mitsukuni. Now go to bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth." he says.

"Stop, you sound like Takashi." I comment.

Your POV

Kyoya said he had to do something real quick. A few minutes later he returns with Mitsukuni's camera.

"Your brother was going to show this to Tamaki and the others." he says showing a picture of us kissing. It shouldn't have happened yet. We have only known each other a week pretty much. I'm glad it happened though. I know I gave my first kiss to the right person.

"You should probably go to bed now." he says.

"Okay." I say laying down on the guest bed.

"I meant in your bed."

"I want to stay with you." I don't move.

"This bed is too small for two people to be in."

"Even if we were in the other bed, I bet we would cuddle anyways."

"Okay, I will go to your room with you. But only because I like to stretch out and I don't want to kick you off of the bed." he says letting me win.

"Yay! Let's go!" I grab his hand and drag him to my room, that has a much bigger bed. We both get into bed. And we cuddled.

I wake up to see that Kyoya was not there. In his place was a note. 'I waited until you fell asleep then went to the guest bedroom - Kyoya' I got up and went to see if Kyoya was in bed still. Sure enough, he was. I crawled in next to him and wrapped my arms around his warm skin.

Muahahaha ~ Taiama_Nicoto

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