Chapter 10 - Renge

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Renge POV

I walk into Music Room #3, only to be face to face with a weird blonde boy.

"Welcome to the host club, miss."
I flip out and slap him. While I yell at this guy, I see Kyoya. I stop and walk over to him.

"Kyoya!" I say and hug him.

"Kyo-chan? Do you know this girl?" a small boy asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm his fiance." I say.

The small boy starts to cry. The blonde one, the gingers, and the two brown haired boys give him a dirty look.

"K-Kyo-chan? Are you cheating on (y/n)?" The small boy says.

"No! I don't even know this girl!" Kyoya says.

"Who is (y/n)?" I ask.

"(y/n) is -- " he starts.

"You know what? It's probably best if you don't answer that." I throw my arms around again


I was asked to stay back for a few minutes in my last class. I talk with the teacher for a few minutes, then go to the music room.

"Hey sorry I'm late, my --" I look up and see a random girl hugging Kyoya.

Everyone looks at me as I try to figure out what's happening. The club looks back and forth between me and Kyoya. I am steaming at this girl.

"(y/n)! It's not what it --" he starts.

"I'm not mad at you Kyoya. Who is this?" I say.

"Oh, you must be (y/n). My name is Renge. I'm his fiance!" this girl says.

"No." I say.

"Excuse me, what?" she says. SHE  is the one who is ticked off now?

"I. Said. NO!" I yell. "You are NOT his fiance. I can tell you're new here. I have been with Kyoya since I got here. I, nor anyone else here, has ever met you before." I say.

"A-a w-week a-after--" Tamaki starts.

"SHUT UP!!" he hides behind a couch. "Listen, and listen good. You try to do anything, including flirting, staring at, and touching Kyoya, I will personally RIP. YOU. TO. SHREADS. Do you understand me?" I had backed her up against a wall. She just nods rapidly. "Good. Because you don't want me to even punch you lightly let alone go full out."

Everyone, including Kyoya, are staring at me in fear. I just walk over to Kyoya and hug him. Renge just leaves the room. As soon as the door closed, I fainted.

Haruhi POV

I had just been watching this situation play out. I, like everyone, was scared for my life. I know it wasn't directed at me, but I didn't expect her to faint. I just continue to watch. The twins had pulled popcorn out of thin air when (y/n) was yelling at that Renge girl. I have a strong feeling she's not coming back.

"(y/n)!" Kyoya shouts. "Damn, she scares me sometimes."

"Is she okay?" Honey asks.

"Yes, I just need to take her home." Kyoya says. He picks (y/n) up and carries her out. Tamaki then turns to me.

"Haruhi, can I --" he starts.

"No." I say.

Kyoya POV

I take (y/n) home. I bring her to her room. I lay her on the bed and kiss her forehead. I decide to go watch tv in the living room. A while later, Honey and Mori come back to their home.

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