Chapter 16: Have A Great Vacation Demigods!

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No one's POV:

"WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!" Leo yelled, clanking two metal pots he found in the kitchen together, going from room to room, waking everyone up.

"LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone yelled as he got to their rooms. It was six in the morning and no one felt like actually getting up. it was supposed to be a vacation, after all, they wanted to relax for once. 

Even Annabeth wanted the chance to sleep in, but she thought of all fo the exciting things they were going to do and got worried that they wouldn't have tome for everything, she got up and quickly dresses, helping Leo wake everyone up. Coaxing them out of bed using different techniques (blue pancakes, the promise of fun, going to the beach after breakfast, the promise of making a sand sculpture, etc.).

Everyone eventually got out of bed and was situated in the dinging table, munching on whatever they made for breakfast.

"Percy, are you drinking the syrup or eating it?" Annabeth said sighing as she watched Percy stuff the syrup of his pancakes in his mouth with a spoon, getting it all around his lips and when he tried to lick it off, he got it all around his mouth.

"Both," Percy said shrugging, still shoving his food in his mouth.

Annabeth sighed and everyone went back to eating their food, they quickly finished and Annebth stood up from the head of the table.

Per usual, Annabeth was the leader, on quests at Camp Half-bLood, everywhere. Everyone was used to it by now, and they all understood one on Annabeth's main strengths was her being a leader (plus she was in the habit of doing that), so why should that change when they were on vacation? Sure, she was supposed to be relaxing ut everyone knew Annabeth was the kind of person to relax by doing something she's comfortable with, like leading the Seven plus Calypso, Nico, and Will, so maybe they should be calling themselves the Ten from now on.

"So, I promised some of you guys that we would go to the beach first thing to wake you guys up, so, everyone in favour of going to the beach?" Annabeth asked. Everyone raised their hands and Annabeth smiled. "We'll go after breakfast," she said smiling sinking back into her seat and eating her fruit salad.

Everyone nodded and Percy shook his head, "This is going to be an epic vacation, isn't it?" he asked.

Everyone agreed grinning as they thought of the fun things they were going to do with their break. They deserved it, most of them saved the world twice, sometimes three times.

Have a great vacation demigods!

Couple's Vacation/ Percabeth/Solangelo/Frazel/Caleo/JiperWhere stories live. Discover now