Part 6 The Wheels On the Bus Go Round And Round, Oh Look! Gems!

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A/N Oh look, 2 updates in one week how splendtifitacular! I'd like to dedicate this chapter (and the last) to  who inspired me to keep on going! Thanks!

*note* the end might be a bit sad, so don't say I didn't warn you, you can skip over this chapter if you'd like

In the camp bus going to the airport at 7:00 AM 

"Hey, Arus?!" Leo yelled from the back of the bus A/N Pretend they have one, it looks kinda like a school bus to distract mortals, "can you turn on the radio?!"

Argus looked into the mirror of the bus, shook his head no, and looked back to the road.

"Beauty Queen?!' Leo yelled (once again) getting Piper's attention, "you know what to do!"

"Leo! Stop encouraging bad behavior!" Calypso scolded her immature- but unfortunately extremely smart boyfriend.

But to Calypso's sadness, Piper was already talking, "Argus? COuld you please turn on the radio? It'll make the trip to the airport more enjoyable for everybody.

Argus listened to Piper's words, it was hard not to succumb to charmspeak after all.

"Piper! Leo!" Jason scolded his two best friends, "I thought we taught you two how to BEHAVE!"

"It's fine Jason, let them be if they get all of their energy out now, they won't be bothering us on the plane," Annabeth said while looking to the child od Hephaestus and the child of Aphrodite jamming out to one of Leo's most favorite sings, "This Girl is on Fire"

"Could you guys whisper or something? Will's finally sleeping," Nico hissed as he gestured to Will, who was sleeping (surprisingly peacefully for a demigod) on Nico's shoulder.

"It's fine Neeks! Will will be able to sleep on the right? Plus you have powers over the ummmmm... sleeping realm?" Percy said/asked after the song changed to "Believer" by "Imagine Dragons", one of the 7's most favorite bands/songs A/N LOL I'm pretty sure we know why no? ill shut up now...

"To answer your first question, he probably won't sleep because he's too worried about you guys getting hurt or whatever. For your second question, yes, I do have some type of control over the sleep realm," Nico said barely above a whisper. It was clear at this point that he really wanted to sing the song (like he belted out in the privacy of his cabin) but obviously couldn't do it because of social anxiety disorder. A/N SEARCH IT UP KIDS ITS A REAL THING AND YOU COULD HAVE IT TOO

"Wait, Nico?" Hazel asked her brother.

"Ye?" Nico responded as if she were the one asleep and not Will.

"Since you DO have SOME control over the dream-realm, can you look into Will's dreams?" Hazel whispered, clearly excited by the outcome.

"Yes, technically I should be able to do that," Nico said then added, "All of you want to know what Will's dreaming about don't, you guys?"

Everybody nodded their heads, except for Frank and Annabeth. They both had privacy issues in the past and were extremely polite, so they didn't want to invade Will's privacy.

Nico closed his eyes and concentrated, after less than a minute though, Nico's eyes flew open and he had a glow of happiness radiating off of him, and was blushing sightly

"What happened?" Hazel asked, excitement clear in her voice

"I bet Nico was in the dream, weren't you Neeks?" Percy said grinning while looking over the back of the seat to see Nico. 

"Yep! Probably the only way Nico's cheeks could be THAT red," Jason said laughing as he fist-bumped Percy. They were conveniently sitting in seats side-by-side of each other since both of their girlfriends *cough* and fiancee *cough* claimed the window seat.

"Yes I was in the dream, but not the way you perverts think so. WIll was dreaming of our first, and my very first, Pride Parade. I was surprised by how well he could do makeup, even as good as am- but now I know how he did my makeup perfectly. He worked his butt off for a month perfecting his skills! Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to listen to my 2nd favorite band please and thank you." Nico said ending the conversation.

Again, "Imagine Dagons" was playing, but this time, the song was "Demons". Every mortal on the bus (Will conveniently woke up the minute after the conversation) thought about how each of them had demons/ghosts haunting them. Even fun cannot wipe away the memories of war and the danger of being a demigod. Their demons haunted them every single day, hour, minute and second of their life. Whether it was a lost parent-Hazel, Frank, Nico, Leo, and Jason. Or a sibling- Nico and Will. Or a friend- Will, Percy, Piper, and Annabeth. Or even a love- Hazel and Calypso. Every mortal knew they had ghosts that haunted them, they also knew that they had to let those demons go. This vacation was an awesome opportunity for that.

Once everybody shook out of their trances, Frank asked nobody in particular, "How long is the plane ride again?"

"Around an hour and forty-five minutes or a bit longer," Annabeth replied then she asked Jason, "We booked 10 adult first-class seats correct? The ones with 2 seats on each side of the plane ad 2 swats in the middle in the back row, and with seats in the front of it cup tower-like?"

"Yep! And I made sure to ask my father to make this a safe trip even if Percy, Nico, and Hazel are here. I made him swear on River Styx," Jason said proudly, knowing that his best friends are safe in the air made him feel more comfortable with going on a plane with the group that was present.

"Did he do that with no protest?" Frank asked, genuinely curious as to why the King of the Gods would agree that easily.

"Yes, probably because we saved him, and all the other gods' butts during the Giant War," Jason explained.

"That's true I guess," Frank replied a bit timidly, he was quite afraid of offending ay of the gods because they could end his life at any moment.

Then Annabeth yelled to get everyone's attention

"LISTEN UP PEOPLE!" She exclaimed, standing precautiously on top of her seat, "I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!!!"

"Quit yelling and tell everyone what the announcement is Wise Girl!!!" yelled a grinning Percy

"SEAWEEDBRAIN PROPOSED AND I SAID YES!!!" Annabeth yelled excitedly while showing off her gorgeous ring.

Piper squealed a squeal of utmost fangirling and screamed, "OH MY F**KING GODS ANNABETH!!! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!"

Annabeth sat back down and squealed, "YES I KNOW!!!"

Hazel then walked over to give the bride-to-be a big hug and squealed, "OH MY GODS ANNABETH IM SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!"

Jason turned to face Percy and said, "Bro, you've either just made the worst decision in your life, or the best decision in 3 lives"


A few minutes passed with just talking about the wedding, and certain people jamming out to different songs.

Leo specifically liked the song, "ROAR" by Katy Perry and even accidentally lit his hair on fire while belting out jumbled-up versions of the lyrics. Calypso tried to calm him down by giving him a kiss on the cheek, but it didn't really help him calm down.

Excluding the fie incident, the rest of the bus ride went quire smoothly until they reached the airport and Hazel got so nervous, she accidentally summoned a bunch of gems.

"Oh, my gods! I'm so sorry guys! This hasn't happened in so long! Are we going to be late since we have to dig out our luggage from the back of the bus when it's covered entirely by gems?" Hazel said worriedly.

"Don't worry," Will said, "I woke everyone up early so that if we ran into problems we'd have extra time."

"Oh thank goodness," Hazel said with a sigh fo relief and proceeded to help out with removing the luggage from the bus.

A/N Pretend that Hazel's curse is fully cured when she first falls in love with Frank The girls noticed that the boys pocketed some of the gems, but all made an agreement not to talk about it until after the plane ride.

Couple's Vacation/ Percabeth/Solangelo/Frazel/Caleo/JiperWhere stories live. Discover now