Addict in Black

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Micah Rex: He's handsome, dangerous, reckless. An addict. When he walks into a room, people notice. People are scared of him, people don't look him in the eye.

AJ Ferro: She's cute, nice respectful. A helper. When she walks in a room, people usually get flowers. People love her, people want to be her friend.

Despite her cheery nature, happy go lucky smile and soft words AJ has never had it easy when it came to addiction -or depression. Both of which Micah struggles with.

Without his addiction, his sadness, his anger Micah doesn't know who he is -and he hates not knowing things.

Meeting at a rehab centre her parents own, AJ being assigned to him and Micah a patient starts off right in a black hole.

He looked at her, he saw a peppy girl with no future. 

She looked at him and saw a troubled boy with a bad past.

Micah wants to die, AJ wants him to live.

It's only a matter of time before one of them breaks through or breaks the other.


"I was twelve the first time I took a hit off a joint at a party, smoked a blunt by myself and bought a bong. I was thirteen when I started drinking alcohol for fun. 

Fourteen the first time I took ecstasy at a college party I snuck into, the same age I lost my virginity. This was the first time I went to a mental institution because it's also the year I first tried to kill myself. 

Fifteen the first time I smoked meth, took a bump of cocaine, shot myself up with heroin. This was the first time I got sent to rehab, it didn't work and I came out worse. 

I was sixteen when I tried to commit three times in the same year, the last time I got my heart to stop for thirty seconds. That year was also the first time I snorted Hydrocodone, getting me started in opiates, I experimented with Xanax and liked it. 

A month from seventeen when I got sober." 


"I want-" Micah stopped, running his fingers through his hair. "Never mind what I want. What do you want?" His voice is quieter now, more gentle. 



My opinion:

This book is phenomenal and so is the author whoscountinganyway because this book sends such a strong message that everyone should know, but does not get taught. We've all come across many of the issues mentioned in this book but because we live in a society that is catered towards the 'able' and 'healthy', We never learnt how to be supportive of it or even deal with it. This book creates a safe haven for you to process your thoughts and understand the complexity of the world while unknowingly becoming happily attached to the characters. This is one of those books where, even when it has ended, the characters carry on with their lives. There isn't a single thing you couldn't absolutely love about this book and whenever you come across a fault the protagonist has, there isn't anything you can do except love them even more. Their lives are so overwhelmingly relatable and it really does make you think about the people you see around you and by the end of this book, I guarantee you'll come out the other end knowing something that will have changed you for the better. Not only does it teach you life lessons that we should be taught, but it also ticks all the boxes I have for it to be an amazing book.

Status: Completed

Additional info: There is a sequel that is in the making currently, but she has already created this amazing series that you should definitely read(it'll also help because of the crossovers between the two books)

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