Lexi's Undoing

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After years of boarding school and chaperoned dances, Lexi Maxwell is ready to detour from the perfect path her parents set her on, and she plans to do it on her eighteenth birthday. What she doesn't plan for is the uninvited guest who crashes her party. And the last thing she expects is to fall for the man. The kind of man with charm and smolder. Lexi may be inexperienced in the ways of lust, but she never shies away from a challenge. As the chemistry builds between the smitten couple, Lexi decides to have a taste of forbidden fruit, and she soon finds out where her strengths truly lie.


My Opinion:

I think this book by neverfakeit is an absolutely jaw-droppingly great book. It's completely different to the other books I've read as it revolves around greek mythology. I think the reason it originally took me so long to read this, as it had been in my library for months, was because it was an anomaly to the rest of the books I had read, but when I finally gave it a chance, I was so happy I did. It was a great book and it completely makes you stop and question everything that you think about the Greek Gods. Romance, adventure and wit envelopes this book and truly makes it a fantastic read, so please go check it out and tell me what you think.

Status: completed

Additional info: sequel 1: (Lexi's fate) and sequel 2: (Lexi's promise) and a spin-off: (A Forgotten Witch)

Aesthetics that remind me of the book/series:

Aesthetics that remind me of the book/series:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


I really hope you check out the book and enjoy it just as much as I did. Really hope you liked the aesthetics and don't forget to vote/comment. I am actually shook that I even have a thousand reads, so thanks to anyone who's actually read my book. I reallyyy appreciate it😊

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